Daniel Ashborn's Press Conference

The scent of lavender permeated the air, providing a casual atmosphere despite the chaos occurring on the streets. Standing upon a grandiose stage amid a vast hall filled to the brim with citizens of the country, Daniel Ashworth, the Prime Minister, released a sigh.

The news headlines were continuing to be published, stirring and amplifying the fear in the eyes of the public.

As some of the officials with their families sat alongside journalists and reporters in the audience, awaiting the words of their Prime Minister, their fear only grew, giving birth to conspiracy theories and outright hatred towards the man in charge.

Many mics colored a metallic gray lay atop the table at which Daniel Ashborn sat. His face contained a hint of uncertainty, but he was quite skilled at masking it. Only those standing beside him could detect it.

Daniel was a bold man and the country he governed–Canada–had benefitted greatly from his decisiveness, which allowed him to garner a positive reputation. Many citizens held pride in their country due to him.

[A/N: Daniel Ashborn is a purely fictional character and does not affect the current political state of Canada at all.]

He possessed dirty-blonde, glossy, straight hair brushed to the side, with a rather youthful face, despite an age towering over many government officials at a surprising 73. One would assume he was merely 40.

He possessed elf-like, pointy ears and a media smile capable of wooing and deceiving even the most intelligent of minds. Graced with life and political experience, he was capable of directing the public quite easily.

Glancing at his colleagues who seemed to have plastered a grave expression upon their aged faces, he clenched his teeth.

The situation was truly chaotic.

With people dying left and right, it was practically impossible to shift the attention of the public elsewhere. The phenomena were almost impossible to explain, and no one could predict how things would progress.

But one thing was clear.

They were amid an apocalypse. 

Many refused to accept the situation and blamed the government for another conspiracy, but the hands of the officials were also tied. It was a situation of distrust and doubt, which made it even more difficult to steer things in the right direction.

Daniel suddenly coughed to clear his throat, adjusting the sleeves of his suit before leaning forward and grabbing the mic. 

For the first time since the beginning of the press conference, Daniel displayed signs of fear. This was no time to try to trick the citizens of his country. He could only explain truthfully and put safety and restrictive measures in place.

Perhaps it was a terrible move as a politician.

But it was the correct move as a human.

"I welcome you all today to this press conference. As I sit before you, I feel nothing but happiness for what this country has become. Now, before I accidentally digress, I will allow for questions."


Suddenly, a reporter shot up from his seat. He was followed by several others much like him, who desired answers but weren't certain if the government would be willing to address the matter in length.

"You," said Daniel calmly.

The woman brushed her dress, swallowing her saliva. Conjuring a brave expression among a sea of cowards, he spoke with the loudest voice she could muster. "What is going on? What is the government doing to prevent the rise of… uh, this?"

Many heads nodded.

"We do not know," replied Daniel. "Our scientists are trying to find the cause of these phenomena, yet we have been unsuccessful as of yet. While the investigation is progressing, I cannot promise any answers."

"I–I see."

"Any other questions."

"Ah, yes! Are you what they call a 'Prime Minister?'"

All heads turned to face the origin of the sudden voice, which seemed so soothing/childish, yet so wise and simultaneously dangerous. It seemed as if a person with two personalities was speaking.

Daniel seemed confused, and so did the audience. 

That was when a 'creature' similar to a cute bunny dressed in a suit stepped forth, his little paws thumping against the floor. His walk captured the hearts of many present, while his smile was captivating.

But, as if instinctively, Daniel felt a chill run down his spine. He knew the creature was not good news.

As he continued to approach the stage, several men dressed in camo uniforms rushed towards it. The creature was clearly not human, and allowing such an entity to approach the Prime Minister was stupidity.

Without a care in the world, the men aimed their firearms at the creature. Although, they didn't allow shooting, as that could endanger those present at the press conference. 

So, an order for evacuation was enforced.

As the people tried to escape the hall, however, a searing pain burst from their heads. Instantly, they dropped to the floor like flies, their fingers clutching their temples. Cries of pain echoed across the hall, but the bunny simply smiled, revealing his sharp, white teeth.

His ears twitched, and a translucent platform formed beneath his feet.

Many intricate patterns were engraved upon the platform, but the bunny paid no heed. Flicking his wrist, he motioned for the platform to take him before the Prime Minister, who seemed unaffected by the searing pain.

Instead, he was confused as to what had occurred.

'What the fuck…?'

Ever since an hour ago, his life had taken many turns. Perhaps it was only his fate that a country governed by him was to meet such a fate. He prayed for world peace, but he only now realized that was a mere dream.

As the floating platform neared him, Daniel shook.

His body trembled unconsciously as if he was facing an existence far beyond what his soul could handle. His eyelids shook, while a heavy weight bore down on his shoulders.

"The leader of a country…" said the bunny, revealing a deranged smile. Extending his arm, he wagged his index finger. 


[A/N: Again, this is purely fictional.]