Chapter 21: Transformation

I stirred from my slumber at the blaring sound of the alarm; it was already past five-forty. Emitting a loud yawn, I reluctantly got out of bed, my steps cautious due to the lingering grogginess from a late night. Navigating my way to the bathroom, I opened the door and headed to the sink, where I splashed cold water on my face, dispelling the remnants of drowsiness.

Drying my face with a towel, I peered into the foggy mirror, unable to discern my features clearly. Wiping away the condensation with my palm, I was met with an unexpected sight. The reflection revealed a transformation I hadn't anticipated – my once brown eyes and black hair had undergone a radical change overnight.

Baffled by the alterations, I questioned the reasons behind this sudden metamorphosis. What could have triggered it, and why did it manifest at this particular moment?

Running my fingers through my hair, I couldn't believe the color change that had occurred overnight. Examining a strand closely, I confirmed that it had indeed turned white. Rubbing my eyes and blinking several times, the reality remained unchanged. The color shift persisted, defying any attempts to wash it away.

As for my eyes, they now possessed a vivid red hue, akin to blood. While colored contact lenses might offer a solution, I hesitated, mindful of the potential risks. Blindness was not a price I was willing to pay for reckless choices.

Rather than succumbing to panic, I opted to dismiss the situation. If someone had orchestrated this unconventional transformation, there was little I could do to reverse it. Whether it was the mischief of gods with idle time or the machinations of unknown forces, the motive eluded me. Perhaps it was the food I consumed; however, such trivial concerns mattered little to me. In fact, I found this newfound style oddly appealing.

After completing my morning routine in the bathroom, I returned to my room to prepare for the day. Selecting an impressive brown long-sleeve shirt and well-fitted slacks, I aimed for a smart and sophisticated appearance. Drawing inspiration from Shayne's discerning taste, I felt confident in my choice.

A spritz of my favorite perfume invigorated me with its enticing fragrance, perfectly complementing my style. Having changed into my chosen attire, I approached the door to exit, only to find it stubbornly unyielding. The surroundings darkened suddenly, accompanied by a familiar goddess-like scent.

"What is it that you want?" I inquired, suspecting Thalia's involvement in another round of mind tricks.

"Did you enjoy your transformation?" Thalia chuckled, amused by my predicament.

"Kind of, but it's proving to be a hassle!" I retorted.

"Why do you find it troublesome?" Thalia probed.

"These features are far from normal; blending in is a challenge," I replied, expressing my discontent with the inconvenience she had imposed.

"I understand, but reversing it is beyond my control," Thalia explained. "Unlocking memories from your past triggers physical changes. Your psyche imprints on the vessel, sharing past experiences, traumas, abilities, and powers with Shayne, the body you inhabit."

The revelation surprised me; the notion that my past abilities might be accessible left me intrigued. Recalling our previous interactions with Thalia, I couldn't pinpoint any specific useful ability that had been unlocked or learned.

Sighing in resignation, I turned my attention back to Thalia. "Why are you here? Is there something we need to discuss?"

Thalia grinned and offered a compliment, "You possess good looks, and your scent is tantalizing."

Her attempts at seduction failed to elicit interest from me. "I am not interested..."

Thalia retreated slightly but persisted, "Can you activate your system?"

"Why?" I questioned.

"Just activate it," she ordered.

"Very well," I replied, concentrating until the system materialized before me.


Welcome Lord Elios!

Notification: You have 15 unread mails!

Notification: You have 5 unlocked abilities!

Notification: You have 2 restrictions lifted!

Notification: Changes in physical looks applied!


A multitude of changes caught my attention, and I found myself surprised by the abundance of notifications. The array of alerts appeared significant, each bearing an air of importance. As I delved into one of the notifications, its content unfolded before me.


Topic: Unlocking of Memories!

Good day!

Days have passed since your last communication with Thalia, a goddess renowned for her unparalleled beauty. The Fates Sisters, comprising Thalia, the goddess of fate and memory, and Elyria, the goddess of destiny and choice, hold significant influence. Earning the favor of these two deities promises numerous advantages and abilities.


The content appeared extensive, prompting a sigh from me as I navigated through the various notifications. Once I had perused them all, I deactivated the system and shifted my gaze to Thalia, patiently waiting for me to conclude.

"What's next?" I inquired of Thalia.

"Now, let's unveil your newfound abilities within the system!" She responded with optimism.

The system reappeared abruptly, and Thalia commenced speaking. "Listen, Elios!"



Welcome Lord Elios!

Vessel Name: Shayne McLane

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Status: New Attributes To Be Applied

Offensive Skills

Magnetism Level 3

Mastery: Level 2

10 seconds after every normal attack

15 seconds after every focused attack

Focus points: 5 used for normal attacks, 20 for focused attacks

Electric Projectile Level 4

Mastery: Level 3

Cool Down: 25 seconds after every attack

Focus Points: 55 per attack

Additional Information: Hurls electronically charged projectiles against the enemy.

Slot 3/Special Attack (Unlocked!)

Info: N/A

Skin Hardening Level 2

Mastery: Level 2

Duration: 10 minutes

Cool down: 2 minutes after deactivation

Hardening speed: 20 seconds

Focus Points: 55 points


Electrical Element: Allows weapons or attacks imbued with lightning element.

Summon: Hygarth the Wise [Fire Mage]

Focus points: 100 per summon

Total Focus Points [400/400]


Thalia addressed me following my observation of the system changes. "Listen attentively. Whenever you engage with a god or goddess from the pantheon with whom you've had no prior interaction, a new feature will integrate into your system, regardless of their cooperation. I've just unlocked a new perk and skill slot for you to utilize. How you choose to use them is entirely up to you."

"I comprehend," I responded.

"Quite the swift learner, aren't you? I must admit, I'm impressed!" Thalia commended.

"Save your praises for later!" I retorted to her.

Following the explanation, Thalia remarked, "I believe our discussion is complete. I'll be pleased to visit you again sometime."

"Finally," I rejoiced internally at the prospect of her departure. Her lingering presence had been a source of irritation. She opened the door before me, vanishing as she stepped out. The door slammed shut, restoring the familiar morning scene, and the unsettling aura dissipated with her disappearance.

Seated on my sofa, I extended my legs, finding solace from the extended period of standing. After a moment of relaxation, I approached the briefcases meticulously prepared for my associates. Containing crucial documents, timely delivery was imperative.

The newly unlocked abilities couldn't have come at a better time. My existing skills felt inadequate, and I recognized the need for a balanced reliance on both the system and my supernatural abilities. Striking that equilibrium would be key, as refraining from their use would be a missed opportunity.

Turning the doorknob, it yielded this time. As the door swung open, the tranquil early morning scene unfolded before my eyes. Checking my final appearance in the window's reflection, the brown contact lenses seemed to camouflage my eye color change effectively. However, the white hair could use some attention; perhaps a darker dye would suffice.

The chilly morning breeze welcomed me, and I opted to grab breakfast at a nearby cafe first. There's nothing like a warm drink to kickstart the day. Strolling down the street, I observed people jogging and engaging in their early morning routines. The sky brightened as I progressed towards my destination.

While continuing my walk, my cell phone abruptly rang. Glancing at the caller ID, it was from a familiar contact. Answering the call, I inquired, "Good morning, may I know the reason for your call at this hour?" My irritation at the untimely interruption leaked through.

"I have information you might find intriguing," a deep-voiced man responded.

Annoyed, I snapped, "Whatever it is, I don't have time for it!"

Almost ending the call, he mentioned a name that caught my attention. "What was that!?" I replied, surprised by the unexpected revelation.

"Call me again with this number, five hours later! I'll be expecting you," the man declared before ending the call.

Whoever he was, he certainly knew how to create suspense. There was nothing to lose by following his instructions, so I jotted down the details in my notes. If this person had valuable information, I might have overlooked the early morning intrusion. Otherwise, I would handle him as I had dealt with others who dared to irritate me.

The system flashed an exclamation mark, indicating updates. Focusing my attention, I activated the system once more.


Welcome, Lord Elios!

Notification: A restriction has been unlocked and an important message must be read!

Do you like to read them [Y/N]

I shouted, "Yes!"