Chapter 31: Aftermath

I decided to hole myself in my room for several days. A lot had happened, I admit it was too much for me to handle. From the train heist until the attack on ATMOS Corporation HQ, and looking back to the events, everything happened too fast. I took the whole week to rest with food, bath and toilet as my breaks. Looking at the mirror, I noticed that I had both gained weight and gotten fat. 

Getting bored with my repetitive routine, I watched Space Wars Episode II: The Dark Chancellor's Retribution. It was one of my favorite part of the trilogy. In my opinion, it was one of the best scenes, the fight between Duke Obsidian and Jay Flywright. I peered at the screen without blinking as the scene unfolded. 

[The fight began when Jay confronted Duke Obsidian in the Dark Chancellor's base. With most of his fellow Phase Warriors killed, Jay activated his photon saber. Before him, Duke Obsidian did the same, and then the duel between the two began. 

As the duel started, Duke Obsidian was on the defensive, measuring Jay's skill with his photon saber. He made Jay think he had the upper hand and became more aggressive by using acrobatic attacks at the Duke. 

After measuring Jay's abilities, the Duke was disappointed, "I see that Yi-Yuan Ji taught you well!" The Duke parried Jay's attack with one hand, surprising his opponent.

With the help of the augmentation of the essence of malice, Jay was blasted by a powerful force ten meters away, "Perhaps you still need to learn more!" The Duke approached Jay, who was recovering from the attack. Duke Obsidian's menacing look made Jay flinch.

He moved backwards to maintain his distance from the Duke. Jay concentrated his thoughts to the "Will" to overcome his fear. Noticing of Jay's actions, the Duke sounded impressed and pressed on to attack Jay. 

Jay was loosing as the Duke continued his attacks. Being serious, the Duke used both of his hands to attack with his crimson saber. Overpowering Jay, he said, "It is your destiny to join us!"

Hearing the Duke's word, Jay declined, "NO! I will never join you!" He slashed the Duke that lands a lucky strike at the Duke's right arm. The Duke groaned, countered a wrathful slash, and evaded by Jay.

"There is no escape!" Duke Obsidian said, "Don't let me destroy you!" Jay stood up and attacked recklessly, swinging his blade furiously. Affected by his emotions, the Duke saw an opening in Jay's form and kicked him on his abdomen, throwing him ten meters away. 

Seeing his potential, Duke Obsidian convinced Jay, "You had started your journey as the servant of the Will. Join me, and we will rule the Universe together. Defeating the Dark Chancellor, we will restore order and bring forth a new age!" 

Jay crawled away and leaned to the pole near the platform and replied, "I will never join you!"

"If you ever knew the power of the Malice!" Duke Obsidian continued to convince Jay, "Yi-Yuan Ji never told you about your father?" 

"I will never listen to your lies!" Jay replied, resisting Duke Obsidian's offer, "He told me you killed him!"

Duke Obsidian removed his mask and shows his familiar face to Jay. Seeing his father's face before him, Jerk Flywright, it sent a shock to him. Jay's heart broke, and refused to believe in what he saw.

He couldn't believe that his father served the corruption of the Malice. "NOOOOOO!!!" Jay screamed, "It's not true! Father's dead, you were just a mere copy of him. You are puppet controlled by the Dark Chancellor!"

"Know your feelings, you know it to be true!" The Duke insisted.

"It was foretold, and the Dark Chancellor knew. You will deliver his demise!" The Duke continued, "It is your destiny join me, and we will rule the universe as father and son!" Duke Obsidian extend his hand to reach Jay...]

After watching the entire Space Wars Trilogy for the third time, I was tired of it. Memorizing almost all the lines in the lines in the trilogy, from Jay's first defeat from Duke Obsidian until the redemption of Jerk Flywright killing the Dark Chancellor.

I could almost read them in my mind without stuttering. Human entertainment was only good at first watch. It degrades and becomes uninteresting as you repeat watching it.

There's one thing for sure that I learned living with these humans. That was the efficiency in how they made their money and grew their wealth. With nothing free in this world, not even water or lastly air would be the next thing that's may be sold. I might as well stop breathing when the time comes.

As the clock ticks nine, I looked at my phone, and no one called. I waited for several minutes more, and was the same. I placed the phone in front to the front of the table and closed my eyes as I sat in the sofa. Maybe, I needed another round of sleep. 

As I drifted to sleep, the phone suddenly vibrated and rang. Surprised, I stood up and checked my phone. It was from Alison, I Drifting to sleep the phone suddenly vibrated. Surprised I hurried to check the phone and as I answered it was Alison, "Yes, Mr. Alison. How may I help you?" 

"No need to be so formal with me, Shayne!" Alison replied and continued, "You're watching Space Wars again!?" 

The music from the ending credits gave Alison a clue so I honestly replied, "Yeah, so what?"

"Get yourself a new hobby, it's not healthy!" Alison recommended and continued with his purpose of calling me, "Watch the news at CBC 29, there's something you need to see!"

"Right now?" I asked lazily.

"Yes, right now you lazy bones!" Alison ordered.

Switching the channel to CBC 29, the newscasters began to narrate the news. Looking at the red banner below and scanning for the headlines, I saw what I expected to read. The headline says: 'ATMOS Corporation Under Flak For Insurance Scandal!'

Seeing the headline satisfaction filled me. As I waited for the segment, I took pie and soda from my fridge and placed it in front of the table on my sofa set.

As I waited, I couldn't help but wonder how the faces of the people indicted for their crimes would look on television. So, I spent my time watching the news from both local and overseas channels, as well as the weather report.

As soon as the news segment finished, an advertisement followed, building up suspense for the next news story. In the meantime, I decided to take a sip from a bottle of soda that I had with me. However, I was taken aback and ended up throwing up when the newscaster unexpectedly began speaking on TV.

"ATMOS Corporation CEO; Steven Paulus was accused of insurance fraud. Faking the death of his daughter, he thought that he could save his company with the insurance funds. Due to the scandal the company decided to close due bankruptcy and is currently cooperating with the authorities. The CEO was indicted of the crime while Steven Paulus' associates, were made accessory to the crime. 

Meanwhile, Triton PMC was forcefully closed its operations when it's CEO was found guilty of murder, property damage in Sin City, criminal activities involving the recent scandal with ATMOS corporation. Despite of the evidence against him and his company, CEO John Revel claimed it was a malicious set up against him. He pleaded not guilty and claimed innocence about the matter. 

Meanwhile, the criminal Dory Michelson is still on the loose. He may be involved in the recent unfolding of events. A former employee of Triton PMC, this leads to the conclusion of his involvement as a revenge plot. Despite his actions, The International Police Bureau and local authorities joined forces to hunt for him. He is as armed and dangerous..."

After I watched the news, I turned the television off. Alison then spoke to me through the phone and asked, "Satisfied?" 

The closure of both companies, ATMOS and Triton PMC gave me a slight satisfaction. However, unable to deal with the CEO of Triton, plus Andre and Troy still around. I felt it was a shallow victory, with objectives not completely achieved. Nonetheless, it would be a waste of time to chase all the stragglers. Rather than hunting them one-by-one, hunger is an efficient weapon that would kill them. 

I acknowledged Alison's question and replied, "Yes, everything was satisfactory!" 

After the short conversation on the phone, I ended the call. I went to my laptop to see updates in my email. Opening it, I saw a lot of mails coming from different sources. Most of them were applicants who wished to join my company, Cryson. I scrolled down and I saw a mail that was sent two days ago, it was from Ludwig. 

The mail reads...


Cargo Chip Information!

Wilson K. Ludwig

Good day Mr. Shayne!

Sir, if you read this you need to call me ASAP. I had found the features and the origin of the chip that was found in the cargo from the train. It is a neurochip from Ganerin Limited, this is their first prototype and has a lots of promising features. I had also found that this chip should be used with caution as it causes problems to the brain if not correctly installed or used. 

Respectfully Yours,

Wilson K. Ludwig


As I grabbed my phone, Ludwig suddenly called and answered after the third ring, "This is me, Shayne. I read your mail."

"I'm sorry, sir, I should have called earlier. As I told you in my email, we found what the chip's function was. It's a neurostim device designed to enhance mental abilities by manipulating hormones in the brain. It also was loaded with a special drug, which we are still testing in our labs. Aside from mental augmentation, it could enhance bodily functions." Ludwig explained.

Pondering from what I heard from Ludwig, I replied, "Interesting! Is there anything you found out?"

"Our test concluded that it could potentially kill its user." Ludwig replied and then continued, "By overstimulation or overdose, both can be harmful as tested with test animals."

Thinking of the potential in future operations, I became curious, and then asked, "Can it reproduce it?" 

"We do not have the facilities and the expertise to make such a chip. Therefore, it is difficult to make a working chip similar to what we found." Ludwig explained once more.

I gave up on the notion and sighed, "Very well, if that's the case, can our R&D make an alternative device for our troops?"

"Shying away from implants and making cybernetics would be more feasible. Although not as promising as the chip, we could make more efficient exoskeletons for future usage." Ludwig answered my inquiry to the best of his ability.

"Continue your tests with the chip. Maybe you can find out more interesting functions in the future. In the meantime, you deserve a treat or a reward for your findings. Keep up the good work!" I commended Ludwig and ended the call.

After the phone call ended, I went outside my flat to the backyard. There was a mound that I had made to hide something. A black stone table appeared from the ground as I dug. Wiping the black stone with my hand, I read an inscription "D.M. and then the date 03-21-2106." 

"It's a farewell to you, my friend!" I offered two white flowers and the synthetic gloves I used from the heist earlier.

As if I were attending a funeral, it would be sad if a part of me were to depart without having a closure. Dory Michelson was the identity I used for five years. With this ceremony, it marked a new chapter of my life as well. My journey begins anew!