Acknowledgement is not on the Table

Antoinette led the way to a secluded study within her estate, where they could talk without the noise and distractions of the party. She closed the door behind them, ensuring complete privacy for the conversation that was about to unfold.

"Please take a seat," Antoneitte offered, gesturing towards the plush armchairs arranged around a low mahogany table. The room was warmly lit, with bookshelves lining the walls, filled with volumes that spoke of a well-read occupant. 

Michael chose a seat far from Alexander, almost as if the proximity could reignite old wounds too painful to touch. Alexander, noticing this, took a seat with a heavy sigh.

Once settled, Antoinette's gaze darted between the two, her intuition whispering that this was more than a mere acquaintance. 

"I can't help but feel there's something more... Have you met before?" she ventured.

Michael's response was curt, his gaze fixed on a nondescript point on the bookshelf.