Mother is Flexing

From PICC to Tagaytay, the trip took about one hour and twelve minutes. It was a short trip, and Michael was glad that it was. Normally, an hour and twelve minutes would be like going from any part of Metro Manila starting from Manila. Traffic was hectic and it's getting worse by the year.

At Tagaytay, Michael felt nostalgic as he watched the scenery blur past the window. It had been so long since he had visited Tagaytay, and he felt guilty knowing it as it meant that he hadn't seen his mother.

As they neared their destination, Michael noticed the familiar gates of the luxurious subdivision where he had bought a house for his mother as a gift. The guard at the entrance recognized the car and waved them through with a smile. 

The car finally pulled up to a beautiful, modern house with large windows and a well-maintained garden. Myra's eyes sparkled with excitement as they got out of the car.