Chapter 20

Madeline stepped out of the elevator and saw a woman wearing a suit. She looked like she was hiding muscle underneath her suit, so Madeline guessed this must be the new driver assigned to her. 

"Miss Rose," the female driver bowed politely. "Your car is ready. Where do you want to go?"

"Rodeo Drive," Madeline said. "I want to buy a few things there."

"Certainly, Miss, please follow me."

Madeline followed the driver and entered the Rolls Royce Ghost meant for her transportation.

She sat silently at the back, staring straight at the female driver. Judging from Lance's reaction before, she guessed this woman was supposed to be her real driver.

But if so, who was that middle-aged man before?

Unable to contain her curiosity, she asked, "Were you supposed to be the one who picked me up from my home today?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Then who was that middle-aged man?"

"That is Mr. Michael Eckermann. Mr. Henry Grant's trusted aide," the female driver mentioned, as she wasn't ordered to keep this a secret. "Henry Grant is Mr. Lance Grant's father."

"Lance's father's aide?!" 

"Yes, he told me he wanted to see Mr. Lance Grant's future wife, so he picked you up himself."

Madeline had an instant headache hearing that. She didn't know if this was a good or a bad thing because they only had a pretend relationship; everything was just contractual. 

Though she had no idea of his true intention, he would introduce her around as a girlfriend, nothing more than that… right?

'Is it really okay to let his father think we have something deeper going on? It should be okay, right? Relationships often have ups and downs. We can just act like we have a bad breakup and go separate ways,' Madeline thought. 

The driver stopped at a red light and turned around to look at her new boss. She handed her business card and said, "This is my personal phone number, Miss. I've been assigned to your security and transportation, so I will always be on duty. If you want to go somewhere, just call me, and I will come."

"Ah, thanks," Madeline said, accepting the business card. She checked the driver's name and memorized it as if they had been acquainted for a long time. She stared at the female driver, and a brilliant idea popped into her head.

 "Ada, I want you to accompany me while I'm shopping on Rodeo Drive."

Ada, the driver, smiled when Miss Madeline Rose referred to her by her real name. "Naturally, Miss. I can't let you leave by yourself. Your safety is my responsibility," Ada said. "I'm also your bodyguard."

"Good, now go. I can't wait to meet my fans there." Madeline grinned meaningfully. 

"Certainly, Miss."

Madeline had this amazing idea that should help her gain some buzz while she was on Rodeo Drive.

She had been hiding herself from people's attention all this time when she was out of the TV studio. 

She always covered herself with a mask, hat, oversized shirt, and baggy jeans that made her unremarkable. 

Of course, she liked the comfort, as everyone in this country probably hates her right now.

But now that she had a fancy car, a bodyguard, and a black card with no limit, she should give a headline for those paparazzi who often waited for celebrities around Rodeo Drive. 

This would maintain her current popularity, and she knew how to make sure she stayed trending on social media. 

Madeline told Ada to stop at a high-end boutique near Rodeo Drive. She rushed in but forbade Ada to follow her just for this one store.

Madeline quickly picked up the top and jeans she wanted before walking to the cashier.

The store clerk looked at her and peered, as she somewhat recognized this person from all the interviews she had done, but at the same time, she looked different in person. 

"Wait, are you—"

"No," Madeline denied before the clerk even finished her sentence. She didn't want to get recognized with her bare face because it made her feel so exposed. "Just check everything out and let me pay for it."

Madeline put the black card on the counter. 

The clerk's body stiffened when she saw that black card. She knew many celebrities came to Rodeo Drive, but to have a black card meant she belonged to the super-rich!

Thus, the clerk didn't dare to question further and simply checked out her items. 

"Thanks," Madeline said before grabbing all the items she just bought and entered the changing room.

She began her transformation from the girl-next-door Maddy to the bombshell beauty Madeline Rose.

She twirled in front of the mirror, showcasing a sleeveless white crop top, a pink checkered shirt left unbuttoned, and low-rise jeans. And as she was flaunting her glorious slim hourglass waist, the outfit gave her both sexy and girlish energy.

She also wore sneakers to complete that Y2K, or stylish look from the early 2000s.

"Looking hot, Maddy," Madeline praised herself as she was ready for the paparazzi. 

'Hm, should I put on thick dolly makeup right now or go with this? ' Madeline wondered. 'Well, Lance told me not to show this face in front of the media, but using that thick makeup will make me look ridiculous. So I guess I just have to find a good balance to make them realize I am Madeline Rose without exposing my bare face too much.'

Thus, Madeline put on her contact lenses and then gave her cheeks that slight blush.

She also wore pink lipstick instead of red.

She flitted her blonde hair a few times before leaving the changing room. 

The two clerks had been gossiping near the cashier counter, wondering if they really met the real Madeline Rose.

"Do you think she's Madeline Rose? She looks a bit different from her appearance on TV," one clerk gossiped.

"I don't think so. That girl looks similar to her, but she looks a lot more… uh… innocent?" the other clerk responded. "I can't imagine Madeline as an innocent girl. Have you seen Madeline on TV? Ugh, that bitch looks insufferable!"

As they were gossiping about Madeline, the real star walked out of the changing room, and the clerks' jaws dropped to the floor. 

Madeline Rose looked gorgeous with her top-tier visual and her gloriously slim waist. 

Low-rise jeans are so outdated these days, but not for Madeline. She pulled out the ugly low-rise jeans with her long legs, making them cute and sexy at the same time.

Madeline winked at the two clerks gossiping about her just now and said, "You girls didn't take a picture of me before, right?"