Chapter 74

Bertha and Ethan entered the car and sat side by side. They didn't wash their bodies after dipping into the mud and fighting many monkeys. 

But neither wanted to blame each other because they knew that was useless.

They lost and will be eliminated in two days.

"I told Frankie I would win it for him," Ethan muttered. "I don't know what I should say when I meet him in two days."

"Just say that Madeline is cheating. She's manipulating the game, so no matter what we do, we won't win," Bertha said. 

"Is there something we can do to at least get to the final?"

Bertha was thinking about acting meekly in front of Zane so he would eliminate Jasmin.

But she knew there was no point. Zane was completely under Madeline's spell, and he would do as she said, like a good big dog.

"We can't do anything here," Bertha said. "But that doesn't mean we will never get any justice."