Chapter 80

"… Do you love him that much?" Zane asked. "Do you love him to the point that your mind will filter out all the shitty things he has done to you?"

"No," Madeline denied. If she could be honest, she didn't have enough time to judge Lance's character completely. But she would rather stay for the money that Lance offered than have to go into another tumultuous relationship with a man similar to Jon. 

"Zane, even if I'm single, I probably wouldn't date you either."

"Why? Am I that repulsive to you?"

"No, stop calling yourself repulsive. You are perfect," Madeline replied. "But you're too similar to my ex, that bastard who ruined my life, Jonathan Hale."

"But I'm not him," Zane insisted. "I'm not married. Hell, I'm not even dating anyone right now! If there's one person who'd likely do the same shit that Jon did to you, then it's your boyfriend."