Chapter 104

Madeline visited her mother the next day. She missed her mother a lot and wanted to check whether her condition was improving. 

She parked her old car and rushed into the hospital. She was greeted by the nurse, who always had a morning shift.

"Good morning, Madeline. It's been a while since you came for a visit. Is everything alright?" The nurse asked kindly, knowing the unfortunate situation surrounding Madeline Rose and her family.

She didn't know if the rumor about Madeline was true, but the least she could do was make Madeline's life easier by not asking about those rumors directly. 

"Good morning, Nurse Dalton," Madeline smiled. "I had to film something in another country and just returned yesterday."

"I see. Well, your Mom is at the hospital's garden with another nurse. She said she misses you a lot," Nurse Dalton said.

"Thanks, Nurse. I'm going to check on her now," Madeline said as she rushed to the hospital's garden.