Chapter 122

"Hahahaha!" Lance laughed freely and proudly after listening to Madeline's concern. "Don't worry. I co-owned this place."

"You what?!"

"Yeah, my friend is the chef. He's very talented, so I invested money in this restaurant to help him. Turns out he really is super talented," Lance said. "Well, normally, you need a reservation to dine here. But as a co-owner, I have a special seat for myself and my date."

"A—Are they open yet?" Madeline looked around the empty parking lot, and the door shut. There was no waiter at the front either. 

"No, but I just called my friend to prepare lunch. This is the perfect place for us to have lunch at peace, or else some pesky paparazzi or random guest might take a picture of us."

What Lance said made sense. 

Madeline is basically a fugitive now. She didn't dare leave her house because she didn't want anyone to take pictures of her and ridicule her online.