Chapter 163

"Oh, that one will be for us on our honeymoon. I think I've saved that spot for us to have a vacation with our children—" Madeline said boldly yet lightheartedly, as if it were just a casual conversation that Lance should've just listened to and nodded in agreement no matter what.

"So what do you think, Mr. Grant? Do you like my idea? Or do you have another suggestion in mind?" Madeline asked. She slowly ran her fingers on his chest, which made him breathe heavily as he tried to control himself because they weren't alone in this mansion anymore.

"I'm open and flexible for suggestions," she added.

Lance wrapped his arms around Madeline's waist and replied, "You can do anything to this mansion, baby. What's mine is yours."

"You really know how to make a woman happy." Madeline giggled as she was about to reach his lips for another kiss when Nathan interrupted them.

"Sis, dinner is ready," Nathan said.