Chapter 187

"Madeline…" Zane was speechless. His plan was perfect; he thought by trapping Madeline into a relationship, she wouldn't be able to escape him, or she'd ruin her career.

But she had not only done that,  but she also turned the tables on him and doubled it down by announcing her relationship with Lance. It was a slap in the face for Zane, and he was utterly humiliated.

"You should stop thinking about me, Zane. I wanted to be your friend before, but now, I don't want anything to do with you," Madeline said. "I hope you can move on and have a good life out there. Maybe try to find another woman who'd love you how you want to be loved, but that woman isn't me."

"I will block your number and your social media. Goodbye, Zane Eastwood."


Before Madeline blocked Zane's phone number, she sent a link that directed Zane to her most recent post on Instagram.