Chapter 192

Lance was quite surprised by how easy it was for his big brother to give up. He thought that Theodore would put up a more aggressive fight against him.

So he got confused and asked, "Wait, that's it? You're not going to demand anything?"

Theodore chuckled, and to Lance's surprise, it sounded like a genuine chuckle with no hidden intention behind it. 

"Why would I demand anything? You hold seventy percent of this company's stock now. Even Mom and Dad have no right in Empress Entertainment anymore. It's all yours," Theodore said with a smile. "Besides, I must admit, I'm quite pleased you can fool me like this. You and that woman are truly a partner in crime."

Lance and Madeline looked at each other, confused by Theodore's reaction because they expected him to go nuclear at them.

But Theodore's reaction was quite amicable. He looked more like a family figure who gave his blessing with pride.