Chapter 198

Madeline watched them for a while. She could recognize the healthy and plump lady as Valerie, Mackenzie, and Cedric's mother because they all have similar facial features. 

But she could not identify the lady with the knitted hat.

'Could she be Lance's mom?' Madeline pondered. He had once mentioned that the three brothers resemble their father from head to toe. They inherited none of their mother's physical traits.' 

'On top of that, she looks really sickly. Maybe she is Mrs. Grant…' Madeline thought. 

She kept staring at the sickly lady and started feeling anguish and sadness. The old lady had such a kind smile and still listened to the other lady who tried to find a topic to discuss. 

She reminded her of her mother, who also suffered from cancer, wore a similar knitted hat to cover her baldness caused by constant chemotherapy, and sat in a wheelchair most of the time because she was too weak.