Chapter 205

Madeline and Lance returned to the ballroom after talking with Lance's dad. They looked even stickier than before, which raised a question for the other guests in the ballroom.

Cedric was the first to approach them while they were waiting for the dinner to start, and the first thing he said was,

"I heard from Nathan that you two are having a honeymoon in London. So how was it?"

"It wasn't really a honeymoon," Madeline replied. But then she realized she had been going on a romantic vacation with Lance. They even stayed in that honeymoon suite in a five star hotel in the middle of London. "Well, maybe it was."

"It was fun. Very fun, indeed," Lance grinned perversely, and Madeline elbowed his stomach again. 

Cedric chuckled. "By the way, Nathan told me he loves working in the kitchen. I don't know what's wrong with him. He must've been wired differently because I keep yelling at him whenever he makes a mistake. I feel sorry for that kid sometimes."