Chapter 211

"And who do you think would fit to be my wife then? You?" Jon laughed rambunctiously as if that was the funniest joke he ever heard. "Okay, that joke is so fucking hilarious. I can't even imagine marrying a sorry excuse for a human being like you."

"Sir, I don't think it's necessary to say that…" Olga murmured, but her feelings were hurt badly, and her body trembled as she felt an extreme humiliation from this bastard.

"Have you considered plastic surgery? It might change your face, but I don't think you have the money. Your face needs to be completely redone so nobody will know the real you," Jon's insults continued. "Oh, you can also try wearing a mask. It should be cheaper. I think I'd have a better time looking at a cardboard or paper bag than your nasty face with pretentious makeup."

Olga's lips trembled.