Chapter 230

"M—Miss, you're going to make me a female lead in a movie?!"

"A huge one. The one that will be a box office success the moment it gets released," Madeline added to convince Olga. "So, if this movie becomes a box office success, you will skyrocket as an up-and-coming actress, and you'll be an A-list celebrity instantly, far more than me when The Last Spring exploded in popularity."

Olga shook her head to deny it. "N—No way, Miss. You're far too popular! Don't you know that you already have twenty-five million followers on Instagram right now!"

Honestly, Madeline didn't care about her social media that much. She only opened it to post a picture of her, Lance, or them being intimate together. 

She also rejected any brand offer because she didn't want to be bound by an unnecessary contract.

IT amused Madeline how much she had changed once she dated Lance. Money mattered less to her now; her priority was protecting their little family.