Chapter 243

Madeline and Lance walked side by side, smiling at people who cheered for them. 

They ignored the flurry of camera flashes as they knew they'd be the couple who decorated the headlines on many internet pages and magazines. 

They finally stopped in front of a host, who was interviewing the stars, and that host was none other than Oleana from the Oleana Show. 

Oleana's lips twitched, seeing Madeline and Lance together ruined her mood instantly, because these two were not supposed to be together. 

Honestly, she still thought of Madeline as a poisonous whore who had no right to be with a perfect man like Lancelot Grant and enjoyed the generational wealth that Lance had. 

Even after she watched that Hot Sensation movie, Oleana still thought Madeline's story was a fabrication to save her reputation.