Chapter 249

Lance snapped out of his daze. He closed his mouth and cleared his throat, trying to appear arrogant and cool, so he would look good for the wedding documentation. 

The bridesmaids escorted Diana to her seat, and the bishop finally began the wedding ceremony. 

"We are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to unite Lancelot Grant, the second son of Duke Henry of York, and Madeline Rose in holy matrimony…" the bishop, who had been invited from the abbey, started a long speech.

Henry and Kate mentioned that they also invited the bishop from the abbey to their wedding, making Lance wonder if this old bishop was the same man who helped officiate his parents' marriage. 

The bishop's voice became a buzz in Lance and Madeline's ears. They were too busy being mesmerized by each other's appearance, especially Lance, who still couldn't get over how gorgeous Madeline looked.