Lucoa in the Multiverse 2

What does one do immediately after reincarnation? Well, if you were reborn in the womb, you'd just exist for nine months. But usually, upon isekai as something and/or someone else, some self reflection is usually what follows. Some think of how their family might react, some panic over what kind of porn is on their PC or phone, and some even lament on how crap their lives were before that point.

Lucoa, however, did none of this.

In fact, when she suddenly found herself sitting on some slope leading down to a river, as one often sees in anime or Japan itself, the first thing she did was grab her tits. The hefty weight of them along with the size easily dwarfed her palms. But they were soft, supple and surprisingly firm.

"Nice.." Lucoa mumbled and took her hands off.

"But that's enough for now. Public self molestation never ends well for the pervert caught doing it." Lucoa said in a somewhat sagely tone, as if she had experience in the matter.

That's because she did, though it was watching someone else do it. And in the end, they were taken away by the police and put on the sex offender registry. Lucoa smiled at the somewhat fond memory while trying to ignore the influx of memories being crammed in her skull. Instead, she chose to focus on her clothing, making sure she was at least decent.

Thankfully, she was. A baseball cap, black tanktop, blue booty shorts, black stockings and sneakers. Yup, exactly the kind of casual style Jack used to wear before all this. Minus the booty shorts, except for that one time he was dared to play the role of a male stripper.

"Ah.. best three hundred bucks I ever made. Now, where was I? Oh right..." Lucoa started rolling around in the grass, clutching her throbbing head in pain.

It was almost like getting a brain freeze, mixed with a headache and concussion. There might have actually been steam coming out of her ears at one point. And what certainly didn't help was the fact that Japanese voices were aggressively yelling nearby. It was odd because, gradually, she began to actually understand what said voices were saying. Jack did not know Japanese beforehand, apart from some common enough phrases you'd pick up from anime, but suddenly, it became as clear as English had been to her. To say the least, this was jarring.

"Yay.. seizure's finally over..!" Lucoa cheered weakly, trying her best to ignore the painful screams of the previously aggressive Japanese men she heard from somewhere above.

Curious as to the events which were taking place above her, Lucoa picked herself up and walked up the little hill next to the river. There sat a strange sight she'd never seen before. A pile of bodies arranged like a tetris puzzle. Though she had no time to appreciate the sight, due to them all going flying, thanks to the, quite frankly, savage punches they took from a super hot, busty woman with long hair and red eyes.

"Momo senpai's a Goddess! A hegemon!" A few girls cried out from within a crowd nearby, who likely came to watch the beatdown.

"No one in Japan can match her!" Another girl cried out.

"Damn. I need me a hype man as dedicated as them.. I might have actually completed college if I did." Lucoa muttered and watched the spectacle.


A few more of the thug-looking men with rudimentary weapons had their limbs broken, so they could fit together as one big tetris piece. The girl looked bored though, only seeming to perk up when a few people she knew showed up to the display.

"It was eight. You got a long ways to go, Miyako!" While Lucoa was distracted by the adoring fans, the woman dislocating the joints of the thugs called out to a cute blue haired girl, seemingly correcting her about something.

Said girl was in a group of boys. Now that she thought about it, this was all fairly familiar. One boy was tall and burly, another was skinny and nerdy, and the last gave her the impression of a harem protagonist. But that was a given, due to how closely the blue haired and purple eyed girl clung to him.

"Make me laugh with a good joke, and you'll get to live another day." The busty woman threatened one of the last defeated thugs.

Despite her threatening words and attitude though, there was no real heat in them. She was simply looking for entertainment.

"H-H-How about an American joke!?" The thug cried out in desperation after her insistence.

'Ah, good old 9/11 jokes always make me lau-'

"What do you call the target of a flying rock? .....Stoned!" The thug said with a slight smile.

"What was that WEAK SHIT!?" Lucoa walked over with a disbelieving face, as if the thug was her disappointing son.

"That was terrible! Just.. terrible! Here, let me give you a good one." Lucoa cleared her throat, drawing the interest and attention from those around, but especially so from the bored woman.

"Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a few hours. Set him on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life." Lucoa delivered with a beaming smile that brought amusement to the woman's face.

"Ah.. we have another sadist." The blue haired girl commented while looking at her very clear love interest.

'Good thing I didn't bust out the holocaust jokes..' Lucoa released a few awkward laughs until she felt the woman grab her shoulder.

"Are you a freshman? I've never seen you before. I'm Kawakami Momoyo, senior. Nice to meet you." The woman, now Momoyo greeted flirtatiously, leaning in close to Lucoa's ear at the last part.

'Is she trying to rizz me up as the kids say..? Challenge accepted.. You aren't dealing with a virgin, Lady..' Lucoa opened her eyes and locked in, revealing a flirtatious smile of her own.

"Thank you. I'm new here, actually. Can you show me around? I'd be sooo grateful~" Lucoa asked while leaning forward and crossing her hands together to sell the appeal.

Momoyo however, was entranced the moment she opened her eyes. The left being a mix of blue, with a stark yellow color in the inner iris, with a green, slit pupil resting in the center. The right was green and black, with a yellow, slit pupil resting in the center. Her hair, she now noticed was a wavy blonde that faded into green, then blue at the tips. There were also strange horns on the sides of her head, though she couldn't be sure those weren't just accessories. Apart from being likely the most beautiful woman she'd ever encountered, there was an unmistakable aura of dominance from Lucoa. And that only seemed to ignite a flame within Momoyo.

Testing out her feeling, she threw a moderately (for Momoyo) strong punch at Lucoa. Hoping to find somebody that she could fight evenly, Momoyo stared at Lucoa as she threw her fist out.

"Woah now." Lucoa effortlessly walked to the side of the punch, avoiding it entirely as the wind whipped from the sheer force of the punch.

"What was that abou-" Lucoa shut her mouth as a kick flew at her face.

She quickly ducked under it, then caught the fist coming at her face with a confused expression. Momoyo's face nearly split from the amazed grin she was sporting. To so effortlessly avoid and even catch her attacks (even ones thrown out casually), was incredible. Though Lucoa frowned.

'Is she a psychopath or do I just suck at flirting all of a sudden!? No no.. I was decent at hooking up even before I was this hot. And this chick's giving me lesbian vibes. So it must be... Ah, fuck. I hit on the Madara of this world, didn't I?' Lucoa let a helpless laugh escape her lips, ignoring the stunned looks of everyone in the crowd, including those of the main cast.

"Nee-san! We're going to miss school if we don't hurry!" One of the boys, the one with the protagonist aura called out, despite the amazement everyone felt at the scene.

Momoyo, however, was too enraptured by the fact that her attacks were easily taken or avoided. Her body began to glow as she threw a few serious punches at Lucoa. And everyone nearby in the crowd began to back off, knowing Momoyo was going to get serious.

"Damn.. Ya'll have Ki!?" Lucoa blinked in surprise and ducked the punches before taking two steps back and putting her hands up.

"Hold on a sec. I just got here and-" Lucoa nearly bit her tongue when she saw Momoyo leap up and throw a ki infused axe kick at her. One that was thrown recklessly, due to the amount of people nearby.

'Ah just like my second girlfriend.. Well, she deserves this.' Lucoa was pretty annoyed, being disregarded like this. But she remembered one of the most valuable pieces of advice her Father gave her.

'If she leaves you for another, there is always her mother.'

'Hmm wait.. That's not right..' Lucoa straightened her back and caught Momoyo's leg before spinning around with her to bleed off the momentum. Momoyo's body slid down Lucoa's, who held her leg up with one hand and had her other hand around her waist, turning it into an oddly romantic gesture. That is, if the two weren't spinning in place so fast the dirt and grass around them was upheaved.

Eventually, they stopped, and Momoyo stared at Lucoa's serious face.

'Ah.. damn it. I went overboard this time, didn't I?' Momoyo cursed internally, realizing she may have pissed off someone she found interesting.

Though truthfully, the reason for her serious face was..

'It's okay to grab some ass if a woman's trying to beat you up or kill you. You can claim self defence, son!'

"Aha~ That was it." Lucoa smiled, and before anyone could say anything ir interfere, her dexterous hand slid down Momoyo's waist and grabbed a handful of her plump ass.

"She's a pervert..! What if she comes after me, Yamato~?" Miyako, the group familiar with Momoyo exclaimed, breaking the silence that had befallen them all.

Then an uproar ensued. Fans of Momoyo all began to shout in disbelief. Some in support, due to Lucoa's attractiveness and some in jealousy. Though Momoyo was simply staring into the beautiful eyes of the woman who so boldly groped her. Then she fought down a small blush and spoke.

"I got a little carried away there. What was your name again?" Momoyo asked, trying to get control of the situation again, despite the skillful hand massaging her backside even still.

"Oh good. We're in a talking mood again? I'm-" Lucoa paused for a second. 'I could probably stick to my old name but.. Lucoa feels right. Or Luc for a nickname.' "Lucoa Quetzalcoatl. I've just arrived here." Lucoa greeted before releasing Momoyo and regretfully losing the nice sensation of her butt in her hand.

"Hm. A foreigner then?" Momoyo didn't seem to mind the touching, wrapping her arm around Lucoa's shoulder.

"You're strong. You staying in Kawakami? If so, you should stay somewhere, right?" Momoyo prodded, leading Lucoa ahead toward the school.

"I guess? Oh hell.. I didn't think of that. I'm homeless, aren't I!? I refuse to live under a bridge again!" Lucoa's shouts faded as the group of boys, plus Miyako watched in stunned silence as Momoyo gained what she's been waiting for, for years.

An equal.

-Two hours later, Lunch-

Naoe Yamato was sitting at a table with his friends, Miyako, Takuya and Gakuto, who he had come to school with earlier that day. It was a fairly normal day, until that beautiful foreign woman showed up and his Nee-san immediately fought her. It was strange, because even those close in ability to Momoyo wouldn't provoke such a reaction out of her like that. Yamato thought deeply about her performance against his sister and how effortlessly she was handling her attacks. Momoyo hadn't fully let loose but that one kick made his danger senses kick in.

"So that Lucoa girl.." Gakuto spoke up after eating his melon bread.

"Yeah, she's s-" "Her boobs are huge! If only I could grab them..! I'd die happy." Gakuto said, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"WHAT!? HOW BIG!?" Ikuro, the monkey-looking photography enthusiast shouted as he ran over.

Gakuto adopted a serious expression as he folded his hands and uttered, "145.."

"What!? Onee-sama's 90 was already hard enough!" Kazuko, also affectionately nicknamed Wanko ran in, shock and despair written on her face.

"They were rather big.. Momo-senpai'd know for sure though. They were in close proximity after all." Takuya muttered, thinking back to the spontaneous fight.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Wanko sat down on the other side of Yamato, who was trying his best to ignore Miyako's attempts to feed him.

"Nee-san suddenly fought this foreigner by the bridge after dealing with a few challengers. Thing is, she was completely outclassed. I think she led her to see the Old man.." Yamato clarified.

"Ohoho~ You guessed it, little brother." Momoyo suddenly appeared from behind, roughly tussling Yamato's black hair.

"Onee-sama! What's with the foreigner you fought?" Wanko excitedly asked, seeming hell-bent on challenging Lucoa herself.

"Yeah, did you steal her away too!? You always get the hot ones..!" Gakuto lamented.

"She came to me, first of all. Second, I offered her to stay at our place. She's sleeping in my room so get along, 'kay?" Momoyo 'asked' in a manner that left no room for complaints.

"Hmph.." Miyako, who was slow to accept new people in her life snorted disdainfully, though the rest seemed to have no issue with it. Though Yamato, Gakuto and Takuya all blushed when they thought about the two of them in one bed.

"Er.. what's she up to now? Is she gonna attend?" Yamato coughed, ignoring the sexy image in his head and asked.

"Oh I walked her home after she beat up Hideo's maid and talked to the old man. She's actually a bit like Capt, believe it or not. A magnet for trouble."