
Genevieve shyly blinked her eyelashes as she looked at the huge demon standing behind her. His intense green eyes were locked on her body as if he was trying to bore holes into her. Her cheeks were so red right now, and she could tell she would blow up anytime soon.

"Are you done, miss?" Rhett asked with a teasing grin on his face.

Genevieve glanced at him and then glared at him, he had again started with calling her miss. She thought he was past that, that he had now settled on calling her Eve.

"I'm almost done." She picked up her heels that were lying around and quickly put them on. After that, she got up as she was ready.

Rhett's eyes drank in her curves, her shape, and her curvy body was well pronounced in the gown he got her. While staring at her, he also noticed that blue was definitely a great color on her.