Blonde-Haired Lady

Genevieve sprang up from her bed in shock when she heard a loud sound coming from outside her room. She groaned and cursed whoever was making the noise this early and leaned back on the headrest. Her head was aching badly and she needed more sleep, her night was awful and she wasn't able to get any sleep last night.

With her eyes closed Genevieve recollected what happened last night.


Last night after Genevieve was handed the key to her room, she took the stairs just as the 'crazy man' instructed. But who would have thought that her journey wasn't going to be as smooth as she had thought?

After taking the first step nothing happened, she took the second, third fourth, and fifth but when she stepped on the sixth step it made a cranky noise, and the next thing she knew the wood began falling off.

She let out a yell and then quickly take her leg back, she looked at the stairs and then behind her.