
Rhett watched in shock as Genevieve took the fifth plate of food in one sitting. And she wasn't just eating them like a normal human being, she was gulping them down and if care wasn't taken she would have swallowed the whole thing.

"Take it easy." He chided watching her take a huge gulp of juice.

Genevieve scoffed and brought her head up to look at him before going back to eating her food.

Rhett didn't say anything after that, he only watched her eat and rush to their room when she was done.

He couldn't eat, he tried to but the food just couldn't go down. So he had to stop eating and watch her eat instead, and he would agree that watching a pregnant Genevieve eat was entertaining.

It was around ten when he returned to the room, he was sure Genevieve was asleep at this time and truly he found her already wrapped with the sheet sleeping on the bed. The pillow bridge was there, but that wasn't stopping him from taking it down.