A Bad Idea

"No, and trust me Genevieve if that's all I cared about you wouldn't have been here sitting so comfortably without a sore ass or pussy." She cringed and blushed at his words.

She should not have asked.

"And you also wouldn't have the power to speak to me this way not after I'm done with your mouth." He added.

Genevieve tried not to get bothered by his words, so she cleared her throat and removed her eyes from his enchanting green eyes.

"What I am trying to say is that I will give you just a few days to think about this. Think about our marriage and everything associated with that because the next time I try to touch you and you don't agree I will….." she interrupted him.

"You will what?" She demanded.

"Are you going to force yourself on me?" He smirked instead of answering.