
Genevieve didn't move or do anything that would annoy Rhett nore, she let him bathe her, wash her hair, and dress her up. He carried her out once he was done bathing her, he placed her on the couch and shifted the tray of food to her.

"Eat," he commanded.

Genevieve looked at him, "And if I don't?" She asked with a weird look on her face.

With a hardened look, he said, "Then I wouldn't mind shoving it down your throat," she rolled her eyes.

"I would love to see you try," she shifted and rested her head on the couch. Even though she hasn't done anything strenuous she was feeling tired as fuck and all she wanted was to get some sleep.

"You have to eat before sleeping Genevieve," he said as she closed her eyes.

"Can you stop being a noisy bitch and let me have some rest Mr?" She asked.

Rhett stared at her in surprise, he couldn't believe she would call him that. A bitch! Was that what he was to her now?