
Chapter 8 - Remembering Friends

Arc 1 - Truth's Escort Arc

Many kids of many different races and species filled up the classroom. Some kids were aliens whose bodies were made up entirely of slime, some kids had alien bodies that looked like humanoid insects and some... well, they were just regular humans.

All the students were varied and diverse but were all in the classroom for the same purpose, Learning.

Michalengelo sat attentively at his school desk, clutching a blue-ink fountain pen in his right hand. He looked at the digital whiteboard that encompassed the whole front of the classroom. It hadn't been turned on yet, but Mikey could just tell that the information that would be projected on it would be as interesting everything else that he learns. "Wow Mikey, You're ready as ever" Said an alien girl who looked like an antrapamorphic Tawny owl, her species name was ironically "Strix aluco".

"Oh, Chi" Said Mikey realising that she was giggling at his overeagerness to get started "I was just really excited to learn today, hehe"

"Geez Mikey, When aren't you excited to learn?"

"Uhhh" Mikey grumbled as he thought of how to respond to Chi's question "Never, I guess" he answered her question, shrugging to himself at the thought of not enjoying learning. "Geez Mikey, You're such a bookworm" Chi said giggling innocently at Mikey's overeagerness. "You should become one too" Mikey said raising a finger to point at Chi "It'd be more useful than just getting into more fights". Chi quickly raised a hand to her chest, jokingly let out an exasperated sigh and said "My My, how dare you sir? I'll let you know that I'm very much a bookworm". "Yeah Yeah" Mikey said as he playfully rolled his eyes at her. Chi slammed her taloned hand onto Mikey's desk "And I don't where this notion of me loving fights comes from"

"Didn't you beat 4 kids yesterday, Chi?"

"I-It was self defence, darn it"

"More like defence of pride"

"That's not the point"

"But you still beat them up anyway"

"They deserved it though!"

Every student looked at Chi as she raised her voice, making it audible enough for everyone to hear her

"It doesn't matter if they deserve it, you shouldn't hit anyone regradless" Mikey said lowering his voice

"Easy for you to say, Mr. Passin' fist"

"Do you mean,Mr. Pacifist?"

"Stop putting words in my mouth!"

"But I was tryning to help you" Mikey said as he began to giggle

"I'll only ever want your help when I ask for it, Got It?"

Mikey full on started laughing to himself. "What's so funny" asked Chi confused as to what Mikey could find humorous. "No, it's just that you're blushing really hard" Mikey said covering his mouth to suppress his laughter. "You're such a clown Mikey" said Chi as she let the argument die down

"And you're friends with me, Why?"

"Well... because I like clowns"


"I don't know why I'm remembering all of that now" Chi wondered while staring at the bright blue sky

Chi slept at the base a large tree amidst a large forest. She had forgotten what she was doing there, all that she was that the calm chirping of birds in the near distance and gentle rustle of leaves put her at ease

"This is the life" Said Chi, lulling herself Into slumber

"Hey you freak!" Shouted a boy with spiky black hair

"Hmm? Who are you?" Questioned Chi as she got up to her feet"

"The name's Donatello, you punk"

"Hah! Humans still call each other punk?"

"Aliens still trespass like they own the planet?"

"I don't like your attitude, Donatello"

"I don't like freaks who go into private property unwelcomed"


"Anyone beneath me is automatically a freak to me. You hear that whoever you are?"

"My name's not important, just know I'm the one who's about to kick your ass"

"Just shut it already" Said Donatello as he got into a ready martial arts stance "Bring it"

"Tchh, I'd never turn down a fight" Said Chi as she also entered a ready stance "Especially one I know I'd win"

"Prove it then Freak, beat me in a fight"

"With Pleasure"

[Donatello's Pov]

Time seemed to slow down as the two stared each other down from across the forest, an assortment of trees surrounded them creating makeshift Sparring arena. But Donatello knew this was more serious than a simple sparing session, if he were to slip up, the girl he faced would not hesitate to slit his throat. He could see it in her black beady eyes that she wouldn't think twice of his immediate death, for behind those he could see a numbness only brought on by the prolonged snuffing out lives. Yes, he knew that she was most likely a trained killer an assasin even, what he didn't know was her reason for trespassing onto the scared grounds of the Thunder God Dojo. The Dojo was located deep in the mountains and was hours away from the nearest rural settlement, so why, why was she here?

"That doesn't matter" Donatello thought willing to focus on his opponent "What matters is beating her extraterrestrial ass"

[End of Pov]

"Hey Donatello, I'll do you a favour and offer you mercy if you beg for your life"

"I don't need your mercy, you damn freak!"

"Fine by me" Said Chi as she shrugged, exaggeratedly raising her talons to the air

Chi crouched to the ground, holding both of her taloned arms behind her.

"You just gonna-

She dashed at Donatello -almost disappearing out of sight- aiming a claw straight at his neck, which he narrowly avoided by pulling his head back at the last second

Chi's momentum propelled her into the body of a nearby tree talons first, CRASH!, her right hand caused a large, fresh gash to line the base of the tree

Donatello rushed at her, his dominant right hand coated with a glowing blue aura accented by black sparks, the colour of the raw manifestation of Zantetsu. He curled his hand into a fist and threw a punch at Chi

Chi unlodged her talons from the tree at the last moment and dove to her left

Donatello's fist connected with the body of the same tree causing a large CRACKLE! sound to reverberate throughout the whole forest, the tree then splintered into hundreds of pieces under the weight of Donatello's raw power.

"This is getting interesting" Said Chi as she got up to her feet

"Wish I could say the same" Said Donatello as he picked out from his right hand

"Try not to die too fast" Said Chi as she outstretched both of her arms in front of her body, revealing in total 10 razor sharp talons

Donatello gulped, he hadn't known what he was getting himself into before but he certainly did now.

End of Chapter 8.