what's her name?

In the sterile confines of the hospital room, 22 years old Emma stood by the crib, her eyes widening with wonder as she gazed at the tiny newborn nestled in a soft blanket. The warmth of the room couldn't compare to the glow in Emma's eyes as she made an exclamation.

"Look, she looks like you!" Emma's voice carried a mixture of joy and amazement, her heart captivated by the sight of the little one who seemed to share a resemblance.

The woman in the hospital bed, a picture of maternal contentment, chuckled in response to Emma's observation. "Yes, but she's as cute as you!" The two women shared a moment of shared joy, connected by the arrival of this new life.

Emma, unable to contain her excitement, leaned in a bit closer to the crib. "What's her name?" she asked, her curiosity bubbling over as she eagerly awaited more details about the precious addition to their lives. The woman's response hung in the air, a secret waiting to be revealed, and Emma's heart brimmed with anticipation.

"Emma? Emma?" The persistent call snapped Emma out of her thoughts, the imaginary world she had been lost in fading away.

Blinking a few times, she looked around to find herself sitting at her desk in the familiar surroundings of her office. The soft hum of office activities and the distant chatter of colleagues filled the air.

"Emma! The meeting is in 10 minutes. Be ready," a colleague informed her, bringing her attention back to the reality of the workplace.

"Okay!" Emma replied, shaking off the daydream and preparing herself for the upcoming meeting.

Following the conclusion of the meeting, the office atmosphere began to disperse, and as Emma gathered her belongings to head home, she was intercepted by Richard, her senior.

"Hey, Emma! How about we go out for dinner tonight?" Richard's invitation was accompanied by a subtle gleam in his eyes, hinting at his longstanding crush on Emma.

Emma, aware of the unspoken intentions, maintained a cordial but firm stance. "Sorry, I won't. Lily is waiting for me."

Undeterred, Richard attempted to coax her into reconsidering. "Oh, come on! Can't you just leave her somewhere for a while?"

Emma, however, stood her ground, prioritizing her responsibilities. "No," she replied, the single word carrying a weight of determination. With that, she gracefully excused herself, leaving Richard with his unmet hopes and a lingering tension in the air.

As Emma made her way home, a sudden realization of the need for groceries prompted her to stop at the store. The familiar chime of the entrance bell welcomed her as she stepped into the well-lit aisles, carefully selecting the items on her list.

With a basket filled with necessities, Emma made her way to the bill counter, still engrossed in her phone. A voice broke through her concentration, "That's 80 dollars!" The familiarity of the voice made her glance up, and to her surprise, it was Alex, the cashier.

"Oh, Alex! I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't even notice it was you," she apologized, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

Alex, with a friendly smile, responded, "No worries. See, faces sometimes," he remarked, a playful tone in his voice.

Emma handed over the money, their eyes meeting briefly. "Here's the money," she said, appreciating the serendipity of the encounter.

As Alex counted the cash, he asked, "Straight up to the house?"

"Yes, straight home," Emma confirmed, a small smile playing on her lips.

Alex completed the transaction, and as he handed her the receipt, he mentioned, "My shift is completed. Can I join you on the way home?"

Emma, pleasantly surprised, replied, "Sure, I'd love the company."

"Can you wait? I'll be up in a minute," Alex said as he entered the staff room to change.

After swiftly changing into more casual attire, Alex joined Emma, the anticipation of their unexpected encounter lingering in the air.

"Sorry for being late," he apologized with a sheepish smile.

"No worries, it's not even 5 minutes," she reassured him, the casual exchange fostering a comfortable atmosphere between them.

As the evening unfolded, Emma and Alex found themselves strolling through the charming streets. The soft glow of streetlights and the gentle breeze created a serene atmosphere, making their impromptu outing all the more delightful.

Amidst their walk, Emma's eyes were drawn to a quaint cafe, its inviting ambiance beckoning them. She turned to Alex with the suggestion, "Alex, how about some ice cream?"

"Sure, let's go!" Alex responded, the spontaneity of the moment adding a touch of excitement.

Entering the shop, the aroma of freshly scooped ice cream greeted them. Emma, feeling a sense of anticipation, decided on a scoop of strawberry-flavored ice cream. The vibrant pink hue mirrored the joy that filled the air.

With their ice cream in hand, they found a cozy spot to enjoy their treats. Emma took the first bite, relishing the sweetness that danced on her taste buds. Alex, too, indulged in the delightful experience.

In the midst of their enjoyment, a sudden chuckle escaped Alex, catching Emma off guard. She looked at him curiously, a playful smile forming.

"What's so funny?" she inquired.

"You're just like your daughter," Alex remarked, a grin playing on his lips. "She ordered the same ice cream and enjoyed it just like you."

Emma's laughter resonated in the air, a genuine expression of joy. However, as the laughter subsided, a sudden shift in her gaze hinted at a momentary journey into the past.

In her recollection, Emma found herself in a hospital room, peering into the crib where a newborn lay. The question escaped her lips, "So, what are you gonna name her?"

"Lily!" The father of the baby entered the room, proudly declaring the chosen name. He gently cradled the newborn in his arms, and the three shared a fleeting moment of familial warmth.

The memory was fast-forwarded, and Emma found herself witnessing a tragic turn of events. Nine months later, the same father and mother faced an unfortunate accident, leaving Lily an orphan. In that harrowing moment, Emma stood witness, holding the baby in her arms, the weight of the unforeseen tragedy etched on her face.

"Emma! Emma! What happened?" Alex's concerned voice broke through her momentary lapse.

Emma, returning to the present, composed herself and offered a reassuring smile. "It's nothing, just lost in thought for a moment," she replied, concealing the depth of emotions that had momentarily surfaced.