
"Hello! I am Oliver, your new neighbor!" Oliver introduced himself with a friendly smile.

"He he hello!" Issy stammered, her face turning bright red. She nervously twirled a strand of her hair, trying to contain her sudden shyness.

Curious about the visitor, Alex approached them. "Who's that?" he inquired, giving Issy a playful glance.

"Hello, Oliver. I'm Alex. Nice to meet you, and this is my sister, Isabelle," Alex replied, extending a welcoming hand. Oliver shook hands with Alex, maintaining his charming smile. "Likewise, Alex. Isabelle, pleasure to meet you both," Oliver said with a polite nod.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Oliver noticed Lily peeking from behind Alex's legs. "And who's this little one?" he asked, crouching down to Lily's eye level.

"I'm Lily!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with curiosity. Oliver smiled warmly. "Nice to meet you, Lily. I hope we can all be good friends and neighbors."

Lily, still a bit shy, gave Oliver a small wave. "Yeah, we can be friends," she said with a sweet smile.

As the conversation flowed, Oliver smoothly transitioned to a thoughtful gesture, mentioning that he had a small housewarming gift for his new neighbors. With a warm smile, he handed over a beautifully wrapped box to both Alex and Issy.

"Oh, you really didn't have to," Alex expressed his gratitude, his appreciation evident in his tone.

"It's just a little something to welcome you both to the neighborhood," Oliver replied, his demeanor polite and friendly.

As the siblings unwrapped the gift, a delightful aroma filled the room. Revealed inside was a set of meticulously crafted homemade cookies. The cookies had a tempting allure, and even Lily's eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of the delicious treats.

"Wow, these look amazing! Thank you, Oliver," Issy expressed her genuine appreciation, a smile forming on her face.

"Yeah, thanks a lot," Alex added, genuinely touched by the thoughtful gesture.

Oliver chuckled in response, "It's my pleasure. I enjoy baking, and I thought it would be a nice way to break the ice."

The warm exchange continued, with Issy holding the box of cookies like a precious treasure. Oliver eventually excused himself, mentioning that he still had some unpacking to do in his new place.

As Oliver bid farewell and left, Alex couldn't help but notice the faint blush on Issy's flustered face. Seizing the opportunity for some sibling banter, he playfully teased her.

"Seems like a good guy, huh?" Alex remarked, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"Yeah," Issy replied, her cheeks still carrying a hint of color from the encounter.

With a dramatic flair, Alex exclaimed, "He will die!" The unexpected statement elicited a startled reaction from his sister.

"What? Alex, don't say things like that!" Issy scolded him, although the laughter bubbling beneath her words revealed she found amusement in her brother's teasing.

"Alex, let's play games now!" Lily excitedly suggested.

"Right now!" Alex echoed her excitement.

With that, the trio embarked on a spontaneous gaming session, setting aside any lingering teasing and immersing themselves in the joy of playful camaraderie.

One day, Issy and Mia found themselves in the bustling college cafeteria, their trays filled with lunch as they settled into their usual spot.

"You know our new neighbor?" Mia asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Oh, you mean Oliver?" Issy replied, taking a bite of her sandwich.

Mia's eyebrows rose in playful surprise. "So, you know him?"

"Just a casual introduction the other day," Issy shrugged, trying to downplay the encounter.

Mia couldn't resist teasing. "Is he, like, kind of hot?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Issy couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, maybe a little," she admitted, her cheeks turning a subtle shade of pink.

Mia grinned, leaning in with playful enthusiasm. "Really?" she teased, eager for the details.

Issy rolled her eyes, "Okay, maybe more than a little. But don't read too much into it!"

As Mia and Issy chatted in the college cafeteria, a familiar voice interrupted their conversation. "Can I sit here?" Oliver asked, a friendly smile on his face.

Issy and Mia turned around in surprise, finding Oliver standing there.

"Oliver?" Issy's shock was evident in her expression.

"I didn't expect you here!" Oliver replied with a warm smile.

"So, you're studying here?" Issy inquired, still processing the unexpected encounter.

"Yeah, senior year," Oliver confirmed, looking comfortable in the college environment.

Mia, not to be left out, added with a playful tone, "And you remember my name, too?"

"Of course, Mia," Oliver said, his friendly demeanor making them feel at ease.

As they continued chatting over lunch, Oliver shared some anecdotes from his senior year, and Mia and Issable exchanged their own college experiences.

"It's time for my class now," Oliver eventually announced, checking the time on his phone.

As he began to gather his belongings, preparing to leave the cafeteria, Issable called out to him, "Hey, Oliver!"

He turned back, giving her an attentive look.

"How about coffee after your class?" she asked with a warm smile.

Oliver's eyes lit up with a bright smile. "Sure, I'd love that. See you after class," he replied before making his way out of the cafeteria.

Mia nudged Issable with a teasing grin, "Looks like someone's making plans."

Issable blushed, playfully swatting at Mia's arm. "Oh, stop it!"

The two friends shared a laugh as they continued their day on the college campus.