Past nightmare

As Alex diligently worked at his desk, a colleague approached with a casual query, "Hey Alex, completed your task?"

"Almost done!" Alex assured, glancing at the progress he had made.

"Let's do it fast! We can have a break," the colleague suggested before leaving.

"Ya!" Alex replied, refocusing on his work.

In the midst of his current tasks, a wave of nostalgia swept over Alex, taking him back to the early days of his previous job. He recalled the loneliness of his first day, sitting alone at his workspace.

Suddenly, a friendly face brightened Alex's lonely workspace. "Hey Alex! Wanna grab lunch with me?" The tall, handsome, and charming guy introduced himself, "I'm Jake! Nice to meet you!"

"Hello!" Alex hesitated for a moment before responding.

From that day forward, Jake became Alex's first friend at the workplace. In the following days, with Jake's help, Alex started interacting with other people in the office and began to enjoy his time there.

Amidst shared laughter and casual conversations at the office, Alex found himself drawn to the beautiful Eva, and soon, their connection blossomed into a romantic relationship.

Amidst the laughter and camaraderie that defined the office atmosphere, a cloud of tension suddenly descended on an unfortunate day. Jake, Alex's once-trusted friend, made a critical mistake in his work. Rather than taking responsibility, Jake unexpectedly shifted the blame onto Alex.

The incident stirred a sense of betrayal within Alex, as he grappled with the weight of unfounded accusations. The workplace, once a source of joy, transformed into an environment tainted by mistrust. Despite the lack of direct consequences for Alex, the realization struck him that the camaraderie he cherished had been fractured.

Faced with the choice between enduring a toxic work dynamic or seeking a healthier path, Alex made the difficult decision to resign. The decision wasn't just about leaving a job; it was about preserving his self-worth and prioritizing a positive work environment. As he packed up his belongings, the laughter that once echoed through the office corridors now seemed like a distant memory.

Alex hesitated as he approached Eva in the cafe, a heavy feeling settling in his chest. Before he could utter a word, Eva looked at him with a somber expression.

"Alex, we need to talk," she began, her tone serious.

Confused, Alex nodded, and they found a quiet corner in the cafe. As they sat down, Eva took a deep breath before delivering words that echoed with finality.

"I've been doing some thinking, Alex. This relationship, it's not working for me," she stated, her gaze unwavering.

Alex's heart sank, and he tried to comprehend the sudden turn of events. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I can't be with someone who is unemployed and a loser." Eva explained, her disappointment evident. "You left your previous job, and now, facing difficulties."

With a forced smile, Alex uttered, "It's okay," concealing the depth of his disappointment. He left the cafe, his expression weighed down by the sudden rupture in his personal life.

In the present, Alex received a message from Emma, proposing dinner at a restaurant. Concerned about Lily, he inquired about her well-being.

"It's okay! About Lily?" he asked.

"Issable promised that she will take care of Lily!" Emma reassured.

"Okay, I'm in!" Alex agreed.

"Come to the restaurant! I'll be there soon!" Emma replied.

"Okay!" Alex responded.

As the night fell, Alex strolled through the city streets, making his way to the restaurant. Amidst the urban hum, he heard someone calling his name.

"Alex?" a familiar voice called out.

Turning back, he was surprised to see Eva and Jake standing there, creating an unexpected encounter in the lively city streets.

In that unexpected encounter, Jake greeted Alex with a friendly tone. "Hey, hey, Alex! I didn't see you after you resigned from the job!"

Alex, taken aback, found himself momentarily speechless, uncertain about how to respond. Eva, however, didn't hold back, taunting him about his current job.

"I heard you're working at the store. How's that going?" she sneered, her words laced with mockery.

Alex struggled to find his voice, the words feeling trapped on his tongue. As they continued to jest about him, he remained silent, a mixture of discomfort and frustration in his expression.

Amidst the banter, a familiar voice cut through. "I've been waiting for you there, and you are here?" it called out.

Turning around, Alex saw Emma approaching. She had a no-nonsense look on her face.

"Are these your friends?" Emma asked Alex, her tone direct, as she noticed the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Who are you?" Eva retorted, her curiosity mixed with a hint of superiority.

"Hello! I'm Emma. Alex's partner," she introduced herself, standing tall with unwavering confidence.

Eva's gaze shifted to Alex, a mocking smile playing on her lips. "How are you dating this loser?" she asked Emma with a sneer.

"Loser? Alex?" Emma smiled, her expression unyielding to the derogatory comment. "I only know him as a good, sweet guy," she stated, her defense of Alex clear and resolute.

Eva, not one to back down, continued her taunts. "I know about this guy! I dated him once!" she revealed, trying to stir up intrigue.

"Really? Alex, you never said this to me!" Emma expressed surprise, her eyes shifting toward Alex for confirmation.

"It's not a very interesting story," Eva dismissed with a nonchalant tone, a sly smirk playing on her face.

Jake and Eva continued their relentless mocking, bringing up Alex's past job resignation, creating an increasingly tense atmosphere. Emma, observing the discomfort on Alex's face, decided to intervene.

"Well, I don't care about them!" Emma declared, putting an end to the ceaseless mocking. She reached for Alex's hand, pulling him away from the unwarranted taunts.

"Why did you stand silent, Alex?" she questioned as they walked away, a concerned expression on her face.

Alex remained silent, his emotions swirling beneath the surface.

"Geez, you have to defend yourself!" Emma exclaimed, turning around to face Alex, only to find his expression on the brink of tears.

"Oh! My crybaby started to cry again!" she teased gently, attempting to lighten the mood.

In response, Alex mustered a smile and whispered a sincere thank you.

"Now, now! Let's go and have a good dinner!" Emma suggested, her warm smile returning as she guided him away from the negativity.

"I want beer!" Alex declared. The duo continued toward the restaurant, leaving behind the echoes of mockery in the city streets.