Challenging Kenzo

Inside the martial arts stadium, Rose stood beside Caleb Li together with their classmates while Miss Freya stood at the center.

"You know the drill. Pick your opponent."

The martial arts class was a fighting class where they had to challenge each other to a battle. The challenge was compulsory and couldn't be rejected.

Their homeroom teacher would serve as a guide, correcting them and pointing out their mistakes at the end of each match.

To win the battle, you either send your opponent out of the stage or render them unconscious. Surrendering was never an option.

Previously, Caleb Li was the best opponent to pick since he was the weakest with the trashiest spirit roots. Apart from that, he failed to pass his trial in the ancient realm, unable to awaken his talent.

Today things were born to be different. Before anyone could pick him, Caleb Li spoke in a loud voice.

"I challenge Kenzo."

Instantly, the students froze, and the stadium fell quiet. Miss Freya on the podium looked at Caleb Li as if she were looking at another person. Still, she recovered quickly and asked.

"Are you sure?"

Kenzo was part of the weakest bunch in the class; still, it was not something the ordinary Caleb Li could handle easily.

As for Kenzo, he wasn't surprised by Caleb Li's audacity. He turned and grinned evilly at him and said.

"I accept."

Miss Freya wanted to stop the challenge from taking place but refrained herself. Since it was Caleb Li who challenged him, then he had to face the consequences of his impulsiveness.

Standing beside him, Rose held the hem of his cloth and said with a trembling voice. "Why will you challenge Kenzo?" Her voice laced with panic and concern.

"You know how ruthless he is. Cancel the challenge now and I will fight him." She added.

He turned and looked at her, "You don't have to worry. I know what I'm doing," he said with a light smile on his face.

Rose wanted to persuade him one more time, but Miss Freya's commanding voice came from the podium.

"Let the challenge begin."

Quickly, the first group went to the stage. With a solemn expression, the two students deployed their martial techniques and went all out.

The two were of the same rank: Rank-3 Mortal Warrior. Also, their fighting techniques were almost the same. The difference was one had Low Grade-9 Wind Spirit Root, while the other boy had Low Grade-9 Fire Spirit Root.

As Mortal Rank Warriors, the elemental difference would not be obvious until they reach the next realm after the Mortal Rank.

In the Mortal Rank, the only difference was how fast they cultivated and how quickly they comprehended cultivation techniques and martial art skills.

Thus, during the battle, the student with the highest comprehension of his martial arts successfully sent his opponent out of the stage.

Covered in bruises and light injuries, the boy looked at his classmate with a proud smile on his face and jumped out of the stage.

Quickly, the battle moved swiftly, and it was Rose's turn to fight. Though she was a shy girl, when it comes to a fight, the fierce tiger in her was unleashed.

Her weapon was something that left her classmates speechless every time she used it. Holding the big broad sword that was almost as tall as her left them speechless.

Even Caleb Li was stunned. 'What kind of weird combination is this?'

Rose was one of the talented students in Grade 3 class 12. She had Low Grade-9 Wind Spirit Root with a cultivation of Rank-5 Mortal Warrior. Her understanding of wind cultivation techniques was higher than others, increasing her cultivation speed.

Her opponent was a boy of the same rank. However, the boy had a Low Grade-9 Sword Body Physique.

The boy held his katana with a solemn expression and took a deep breath. "I will defeat you this time around," his voice filled with determination.

"You can try," Rose responded with a wild smile on her face and raised her big broad sword and rushed toward the boy.

With a sword body, his understanding of the way of the sword was higher than ordinary people. Effortlessly, the boy swiftly defended against her attack and retaliated with another deadly precision attack.

"Sword Wave Attack."

Rose didn't flinch from the deadly attack and performed a defensive skill.

"Diamond Wind Tide."


She parried away the attack and continued her attack.

"Crushing Sword Attack."

The Crushing Sword Attack focuses on continuous attacks, giving the opponent no time to catch their breath. Even though the Crushing Sword Attack was a domineering technique, it was difficult to comprehend.

Rose was the only one that chose such an insane technique. Although it was difficult to comprehend, its power made all her targets unable to defend against her.

The boy tried his best to escape from the rain of crushing attacks, but Rose was too adept, her attacks made it impossible for the boy to retaliate.



She struck the boy on the chest and sent him flying. He crashed to the ground with the sound of his bones breaking to pieces. A mouthful of blood escaped from his mouth with a deep groan before he passed out.


Everyone sucked in a cold breath and shook their heads. Against Rose's domineering attack, the boy would need more than a swift attack. If not for the fact their sword was blunt, that attack would have sliced the boy into two.

On the Podium, Miss Freya looked at Rose and smiled lightly before she walked toward the boy and forcefully opened his mouth and put a small round pill.

She carried the student with one hand out of the stage and placed him gently to the side and motioned for the battle to continue.

The students weren't worried about the boy and continued their battle. Apart from Rose's domineering and unconventional fighting style, the students' battles were nothing spectacular.

Finally, it was the turn of Caleb Li and Kenzo to fight. Kenzo grinned and jumped to the stage and beckoned Caleb Li to hurry to the stage.

"I will make sure this time around to cripple you," he said in a low voice that only Caleb Li could hear.

He held his ax and swung it a couple of times, ready to smash him to pieces.

As for Caleb Li, he stood five meters from him with a deadpan expression. Even though he didn't utter any word, but deep in his mind. He had devised many ways to pummel Kenzo to stupor.


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