The Martial Library

Inside the school martial library, Rose Smith was like a kid, jumping back and forth, showing all the various cultivation techniques and martial skills.

Unlike the traditional library where shelves were littered with books, this library was different; each shelf had a small screen displaying a section of the technique or skills.

As for Caleb Li, he silently followed the enthusiastic Rose. After reading hundreds of skills with her not having the intention of stopping, Caleb Li couldn't take it any longer.

"I think that is enough," he said calmly.

"Really!" She halted her tracks and turned to look at him with her big eyes. "There are still a lot of skills you haven't seen. Li, don't rush to choose your skill yet. I've read all these skills in the library, and I can tell you there are still many powerful skills you haven't seen."

"Yet, they're Common-Grade skills, right?"

"You're right…But—"

"There is not much difference between common-grade." He shrugged his shoulders and went back to the librarian at the entrance.

Rose looked at his departed back and pouted before she rushed after him.

"Have you chosen your technique and martial skills?" The librarian, an old man, asked.

"Yes," Caleb Li nodded and continued. "I picked the Shadow Step, Iron Fist Strike, and the Wind and Fire Sword Dance."

"What!" Rose exclaimed.

Even the old man was slightly stunned. This was the first time he met a student with such an unreasonable choice. 

Techniques were difficult to comprehend, and only the most talented would pick two at the same time. Even with that, it would take them months before they could comprehend it. 

But now, a kid who was a late bloomer was going overhead to choose three at the same time.

The old man recovered from his shock and asked, "You just passed the Ancient Trial, don't bite off more than you can chew."

"I know."

Rose looked at him and didn't know what to say. She thought she was the unreasonable one, but now, she realized she was far from Caleb Li's craziness.

The old man sighed and asked, "Give me your communication bracelet."

Communication Bracelet!

He widened his eyes as he had long forgotten about the communication bracelet. Since he took over the body, he had never had the need to use the communication bracelet.

 Those living in the dregs didn't have the luxury of using such communication devices, so it didn't remind him to get another one.

Watching his slightly stunned expression, the old man said with a light frown on his face, "Why would you come to the library without your bracelet?"

"Ah… I'm sorry." He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Rose looked at him for a couple of seconds and knew what happened. "We're sorry for bothering you. We'll go and get the bracelet now."

She pulled his hand and dragged him out of the library. "You must have lost it during the last attack."

"Yeah…" He responded as they returned back to class. "Where can I get another one?"

"Do you have money?" She asked with a knowing look.

When he heard the question, he sighed and kept quiet. He was currently tight on money and needed to find a way to get money as quickly as possible.

Looking at the slight worry on his face, Rose patted him on his shoulder and said with an assuring smile, "You don't need to think too much about it. I'll lend you some money."

"Thank you…" his face full of gratitude.

Rose stared at him for a couple of seconds and knitted her brow. She realized he was vastly different from his usual behavior. 

Previously, he only had one thought, and that was Amanda. As for her, he only kept her at arm's length, and they didn't have much of a conversation. 

But now, he behaved entirely differently and even appreciated her kind gesture.

Thinking of this, a rare beautiful smile crept up her face, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Rose! Rose!" he called.

"W-What…" She snapped out of her fantasy and blushed in embarrassment. 'Why would I do that in his presence?' She cried in her heart.

"When you're done daydreaming, can you please lead me to where I can get the bracelet."

"Who's daydreaming?!" She scoffed.

With that, she scurried off as if she was escaping from the embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Justin and his friend were still in a daze by Caleb Li's transformation. Their powerful leader was beaten into a pulp by the weakest person in school. Then, what about them.

Throughout the class, their minds were rallying in puzzlement and fear. They knew after Kenzo, he was coming for them, and with what they've seen during the fight, he won't hesitate to kill them if he had the chance.

Therefore, they had to act first if they wanted to have the last laugh.

Unbeknownst to Justin and his gang's plot to kill him, Caleb Li rushed home after getting a communication bracelet and adding the three skills from the library to his bracelet.

"I'm home." He announced as he entered their rundown house.

"Welcome, my son. Are you hungry? I've prepared your lunch." Grandma Shu answered from their small kitchen.

"No, grandma. I'll be returning to the Ancient realm."

"Alright, don't forget to come back in the morning."

Inside his room, he changed into the clothes he wore in the ancient realm and sat on the bed.

'Before I visit the Ancient realm, I need to add the three skills to the system.' He thought and creased his brow before he tapped his bracelet.

A holographic screen appeared before him, and he navigated to the first skill, the Shadow skill.

The Shadow Skill was a common-grade movement skill.

After one hour of continuous reading and trying to comprehend a bit of the skill, he finally succeeded.


[Would you like to use your lifespan to comprehend the Shadow Step?]

[Yes | No]

'No.' He clicked on no but saw it on his interface and breathed a sigh of relief. He only gambled that the system would add it to his collection.

With the confirmation, he didn't dilly-dally and picked the second skill, the Iron Fist Strike. It took him five hours to add the two skills to the system collections.

With the three skills in the system collection, a bright smile flashed on his face before he called the spirit of the Ancient Realm in his mind.