Killing The Three Horse Men

Coming out of the village, walking on the muddy path, Caleb Li creased his brow, inhaling the air. He realized the air outside the village was polluted—thick, heavy, and difficult to breathe in.

"The air smells like shit!" He muttered with a deep frown and took a small round pill from his pocket.

He swallowed the pill, and his expression returned to normal.

"That's more like it." He exhaled and grinned.

Now, he knew the importance of the Whitening Pill. Without the pill, he didn't think he could survive 30 minutes with such suffocating air.

Previously, he was furious at having to spend 20 silver coins to buy four whitening pills. But now, he knew better.

With his breathing returning to normal, he increased his speed, following the muddy path. As he walked, he met fewer and fewer people on his way.

Most of the people returning were either mercenaries or merchants with heavy guards around them.

After walking for twenty minutes, the village had disappeared from his sight, and what was left was a thick dark cloud hanging in the sky.

Of course, the dark cloud was the deadly dark mist, ever-present in the sky.

Turning his head, Caleb Li continued toward the Dark Forest in the distance. Suddenly, he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves coming from behind.

However, he didn't care and continued on his path. This was a general road, and many horses and carriages had passed by. Thus, he was not worried about it. So he thought.

"Die!" A devilish cry came from behind with the roaring sound of a blade rushing toward his back.

Caught off guard, Caleb Li acted on instinct and jumped to the side.


The deadly cold saber missed by a hair, sending shivers down his spine. He rolled on the ground and quickly scrambled to get back on his feet.

Right in front of him were three horsemen with killing intent oozing out of their bodies. Their cold, deadly sabers shone brightly against the sky.

"Who are you?" He asked with confusion etched on his face.

Since he arrived in the ancient world, he didn't make enemies yet. Why would some people target him out of the blue?

"Dead people ask no questions!" A burly man out of the horsemen roared with a menacing grin.

"Kill him."

Caleb Li was both confused and furious. He had maintained his calmness and tried to avoid all possible enemies in this world. Yet, who would have expected some people would still come after his life?

The burly man was a Rank-5 Mortal Warrior, while the other two were Rank-4 Mortal Warriors. With such a lineup, any average Joe would be scared. But who was Caleb Li, a veteran sniper?

He threw all unnecessary thoughts out of his mind and focused his attention on the two horsemen dashing toward him with cold steel coming for his neck.

Without thinking twice, he unsheathed the twin swords hanging on his thigh and moved zig-zag, swinging his sword.


He deflected the two horsemen's attack and took a couple of steps back.

His expression was grave, but the cold ruthlessness in them was not any lesser.

As for the two horsemen, they were stunned when they saw how swiftly the weak, ordinary kid deflected their attack with both hands.

For a couple of seconds, they looked at him before they exchanged subtle glances. From behind them, their leader.

The burly man sneered, "It seems you have some puny skills. But so what! You can't escape your fate."

"You idiot! What are you doing?" He berated his men and shouted. "Kill him before I change my mind and cut off your neck."

Under the threat of their leader, the two men jotted back to their senses, and their expressions turned twisted.

"Die!" They screamed.

"Not yet!" He mused and rushed toward the incoming horsemen.

"Wind and Fire Sword Dance."

His hands moved perfectly in sync, performing two separate actions.


He deflected one of the horsemen's attacks while his other sword cut through his chest.

Still in motion, he saw the second horseman's cold, deadly blade blazing toward his back.

Without blinking, he danced forward and backward. He parried the attack to the side.

Shock evident on the horseman's face, before he could process what was happening next. His swift left sword moved with the blinding speed of wind and cut through his stomach.


The miserable scream of the two horsemen resounded almost at the same time.

Caleb Li's swift action took them by surprise, leaving them helpless.


They fell from their horses, blood gushing out from their bodies. Their faces were pale, filled with panic and fear.

The seemingly ordinary weak outsider had grown strong in a couple of weeks and could rival and kill them in a blink.

As for the burly man, he sat atop his horse with his jaw dropped to the ground.

He looked at Caleb Li as if he was looking at another person. He tried to believe what was happening before him, but his rationality made it quite impossible for him.

This kid, who was only 16 or 17 years old, was a greenhorn and just came to their world a couple of days ago.

He was weak with no cultivation, but now, that weak and helpless kid could fight shoulder to shoulder with a Rank-4 Mortal Warrior without breaking a sweat.

What does that mean?

Since he could kill two Rank-4 Mortal Warriors, then what about him, a Rank-5 Mortal Warrior?


His heart skipped a beat, pounding heavily against his chest. Without thinking twice, he slapped his horse and turned to escape.

"Where do you think you're going?"

He heard Caleb Li's cold, nerve-wracking voice from behind and almost fell from his horse.

However, he managed to grasp the rein with all his might, urging the horse to move at its top speed.

Now was the time he wished the horse had wings and could fly away.

'I'm on a horse. There is no possible way for that devil to catch up to me.' He grinned.

'When I return to the village, I must return the money. I'm not doing this shit anymore.'

He was already planning on letting go and didn't want to have anything to do with such a monster.

But the question was, would the devil allow him to go?

Just as he was 50 meters away, he heard a whistling sound roaring toward him.

'What is that sound?'

That was his last thought when an arrow pierced his neck and came out from the other side.