Conspiracy - Part 1

Inside the carriage, Caleb Li couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling caused by the encounter with the assassins. 

Their insistence on labeling him a spy gnawed at his thoughts, leaving him perplexed and suspicious. 

Why were they so adamant about his allegiance?

Furthermore, the urgency with which they were traveling now raised even more red flags. 

The speed at which they moved, coupled with their abrupt change in demeanor, hinted at a looming danger.

Caleb couldn't ignore these signs; they were too blatant to overlook.

With every passing mile, the tension inside the carriage grew palpable. 

Caleb couldn't help but ponder over the motives behind their hastened journey.

 What were they running from? Or, perhaps more crucially, who were they running from?

Lost in thought, Caleb mulled over the possibilities, turning them over in his mind like pieces of a puzzle.