Spending Spree

Throughout the day, Caleb Li found himself lost in thought, his mind consumed by the events that had transpired between him and Miss Freya.

 Meanwhile, Miss Freya made only a brief appearance for combat training in the morning, skipping her usual classes. 

Seated inside her office, she was troubled by the encounter with Caleb Li. 

The events had unfolded in a blur, and she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her. 

Never before had she lost a fight, let alone to one of her students. 

The realization gnawed at her competitive spirit, fueling her determination to reclaim her sense of superiority.

As she reflected on the confident smile that had adorned Caleb Li's face during their battle, Miss Freya felt a strange flutter in her heart and a flush creeping up her neck. 

Unbeknownst to her, a bright smile graced her features as she found herself lost in thoughts of her student.