Urgent need for Spirit Stone - Taking a Grade-4 Mission

As Caleb Li was returning to his room, he encountered Zhang with a boy of the same age as him.

Zhang was so easy to socialize with people, and thus, Caleb Li wasn't surprised to make a friend on the first day.

"Caleb Li, where have you been?" he asked when he saw him.

"Don't bother to tell me; we need to go to the Skill to pick a skill," he added, his face brimming with excitement.

"You can go; I need to do something," Caleb Li responded without stopping in his tracks.

The boy standing beside Zhang was furious and wanted to speak but was beaten to it by Zhang.

"Alright, if you need my help, you can ask me anytime."

Just as he prepared to depart, he halted his tracks and asked.

"How do I use this thing?" He brought the spirit stone and showed it to him.

"Where did you get that?" the boy beside Zhang asked with wide eyes.

"You don't need to know. Just tell me if you know how I can use it or not."