All Eyes on the Sky Hall

When Wen returned to her seat, her fellow disciples gave her a thumbs up, their faces beaming with smiles.

"Well done," Caleb Li said with a smile.

Elder Jing turned to her and also praised her for her outstanding performance.

Feng got to his feet and took a large stride toward the battle stage as he couldn't wait to show his fellow disciples how strong he was.

Since Wen could do it, he firmly believed he could do it.

Meanwhile, the audience was still in shock by Wen's ruthlessness and was left speechless once again when they saw Feng standing at the center of the stage.

"Are they for real?!"

"Look at his confident smile!"

"The Sky Hall is no longer the weakest Hall. Heck! I can sense the other halls are even scared of sending their disciples to the stage."

"Impossible! I don't believe it! The three powerful halls have yet to send their seeded disciples. The tournament is far from over."