From Fry Pan to Fire: Encounter with a Fiend Beast.


Caleb Li slid through a wall that was about to close, appearing in a long corridor.

But there was no sense of relief on his face. The walls and ground beneath him were already moving, changing their positions.

Without hesitation, he deployed his movement skill to the limit, leaving a shadow in his wake.


A groan escaped from his mouth as he leaped with all his strength.

There was a large, endless pit in front of him, but he didn't have the luxury to consider his options since he had none.

The only option he had was leaping to the next moving floor in the distance.


He landed and slid for a couple of feet before he could regain his balance.

"Where is the goddamn exit!" he shouted as he continued racing.

He had lost count of how many times he was close to being killed by the moving walls. If not for his extreme speed, he would have been killed.