The Rising Momentum - Part 3

The news about a once-in-a-generation genius appearing at the border of the Federation sent ripples throughout the upper echelon.

While the Federation was happy about this news, their enemies, the Cult and the Shataki, also heard of it.

Thus, for Caleb Li, his popularity attracted both good and bad people toward him.

Old Joe stood proudly in front of the Riverside City Federation Building.

Since he decided to take Caleb Li back with him to the Imperial Academy, no one could stop him.

But the perpetrator of all this was feeling bored to death sitting inside the virtual realm.

After defeating the last man, he had been waiting patiently for his next challenger but got none.

He tried to log out but found out he couldn't leave the game's virtual world.

Thus, he could only lie on the ground and sleep.

While he was waiting for his next opponent, other students did not have such luxury.