Coming out of the Molten Gorge

Looking at the series of notifications, Caleb Li's jaw dropped. Ice Spirit Body! Fire Spirit Body.


"Yeah... You see how crazy your parents are, right?" the woman said with a smug look on her face.

With a stunned expression, Caleb Li tried to understand how he got so overpowered, leaving him breathless.

Then, a strong aura came out of his body. His spiritual energy was running at full speed, ready to break out.

Sensing the strong aura coming from Caleb Li's body, the woman in the holo screen had a stunned expression on her face.

"Impossible!" she screamed.

Caleb Li did not care why the woman found it impossible, but he suppressed his erratic spiritual energy.

His spiritual energy was already overflowing, which meant he was due for a breakthrough to the Clasping Reality realm.

But Caleb Li was not ready to break through to the next realm yet. He wanted to leave Riverside City before he did so.