Finished lizard

As Arjun stands in the corridor, the weight of his unusual experiences hangs in the air. The touch on his shoulder startles him, and he turns to see Amit, a smile on the boy's face.

Amit apologizes, understanding the confusion on Arjun's face. "Maybe you don't know who I am. My name is Amit, and I live in your colony," he says.

Arjun struggles to recall memories of this Arjun's life, his own experiences blending with those of the original inhabitant of this body. The fragments of Amit being part of his friend's circle flicker faintly in his mind.

While Amit eagerly talks about his sister's birthday celebration, a blue screen materializes in front of Arjun, its stark warning evident only to him – "Beware of Lizard."

Amit, oblivious to the digital display, continues to share the invitation. "It's my sister's birthday today, and I'd really like you to come. It's going to be a small gathering in the evening," he says, genuine warmth in his voice.

Arjun, torn between the digital caution and the human connection offered by Amit, contemplates his decision. The Phoenix system's mysterious directives cast a shadow on every interaction, leaving Arjun grappling with the complexities of his altered reality.

As Arjun walks with Amit, the weight of the Phoenix system's alert lingers in his mind. Amit's hand on his shoulder feels intrusive, and Arjun's discomfort grows with every step.

Outside the school gate, they veer off the usual path, Amit claiming it's a shortcut. Arjun, sensing deception, decides to confront Amit about their true destination.

"What's the real reason we're going this way, Amit?" Arjun questions, a hint of suspicion in his tone.

Amit, caught off guard, stammers for a moment before attempting to reassure Arjun. "Oh, this is just a faster route. Trust me, it'll get you home quicker," he says, but Arjun's instincts tell him otherwise.

As they approach the empty building behind the school, Arjun's unease intensifies. The realization dawns upon him – Amit's intentions may not be as innocent as they seemed. The warning from the Phoenix system echoes in his mind, urging him to be cautious.

As Arjun walks with Amit, memories of this Arjun's life flood his mind. Recalling the paths and relationships, he senses the weight of the enemies and troubles that had plagued this existence.

As Amit leads him towards the empty building, a surge of realization hits Arjun. The warning about the lizard wasn't just cautionary; it was a premonition. Gripped by a sense of foreboding, Arjun tightens his grip on Amit's shoulder, a gesture mirroring the friendliness he once shared with these people.

Amit, revealing his true intentions, insults Arjun with a sudden harshness. "Why would I invite you to my sister's birthday? You can't be my friend!" Amit mocks.

Arjun, now aware of the impending danger, scans the surroundings and spots a group of 14 boys approaching. Among them, Ayush and Manish stand out, their presence raising the stakes of this unexpected confrontation. The warning from Phoenix resonates louder in Arjun's mind as he prepares for the challenges that lie ahead.

As the 14 boys approach with hockey sticks and cricket bats, Ayush's anger bursts forth. "You, because of you, I've endured insults for too long," he accuses Arjun, his frustration evident. Manish echoes the sentiment, lamenting the tarnished reputation he bears.

Unexpectedly, Arjun starts laughing, a sinister laughter that reverberates through the tense atmosphere. His laughter, almost devilish, unsettles Ayush, Manish, and the rest of the boys.

Arjun revels in the chaos, finding dark amusement in the predicament of his adversaries. Even Amit, who had led him into this situation, becomes part of Arjun's amusement.

The confrontation takes an unexpected turn as Arjun, fueled by the twisted joy of turning the tables, embraces the chaos unfolding around him.

Amit's anger escalates, and he unleashes a barrage of insults, accusing Arjun of being a destructive presence in their colony. Arjun, undeterred, responds with a chilling calmness.

"Fine, then consider me a garbage can. But be prepared to face the consequences. Either beat a garbage can today, or I'll ensure you all leave with broken hands and legs," Arjun declares, his words laced with a menacing resolve.

The 15 boys, bewildered and unsure, exchange uncertain glances. They grapple with the realization that Arjun, seemingly alone, is unfazed and ready to confront them head-on. The air crackles with tension as they try to comprehend the enigma that Arjun has become in the aftermath of the Phoenix system's influence.

As the 15 boys surround Arjun and Amit, the blue screen prompts Arjun with two challenges. The first challenge urges him to make the person in front get the screen and earn 2000 experience points. The second challenge presents an enticing incentive – a level-up.

Arjun, calculating his moves, weighs the options presented by the Phoenix system. The boys, unaware of the digital complexities at play, eagerly anticipate the unfolding spectacle. Ayush and Manish, observing from a distance, anticipate Arjun's transformation into a lizard, their sadistic desires apparent.

The atmosphere thickens with tension as Arjun, driven by the enigmatic directives of the Phoenix system, prepares to navigate the challenges ahead, each move a step closer to the unforeseen consequences of his evolving reality.

Time hung heavily in the air as Arjun faced the encircling threat. The blue screen had set the stage, presenting the challenge to incapacitate each boy and earn 2000 experience points within a time limit ticking away like a relentless countdown.

The first boy lunged forward, a hockey stick gripped tightly in his hands. Arjun, swift in his response, dodged the attack and countered with a well-aimed kick. The satisfying thud marked the beginning of the confrontation, as Arjun's senses heightened with each move.

The second and third boys attacked simultaneously, wielding cricket bats. Arjun, anticipating their moves, danced around the onslaught, his movements a blend of precision and agility. He managed to disarm one with a swift twist, redirecting the bat into the path of the third attacker.

The clock ticked, urging Arjun to accelerate his pace. The fourth and fifth boys closed in, attempting a coordinated assault. Arjun, however, demonstrated a mastery of defensive maneuvers, deflecting blows and landing strategic counterattacks.

The sixth boy, sensing an opening, lunged at Arjun with unexpected speed. Arjun grappled with the assailant, a brief struggle ensuing before a well-placed knee sent the boy reeling.

As the seventh and eighth boys entered the fray, Arjun's movements became a dance of controlled chaos. He parried blows with calculated precision, exploiting openings in their defenses. The echoes of impact resonated through the air, a testament to the intensity of the unfolding skirmish.

With nine boys remaining, Arjun's focus heightened. He felt the strain of the fight, the toll on his body accumulating. The time limit pressed on, urging him to maintain momentum. The ninth and tenth boys approached cautiously, their eyes fixed on Arjun's every move.

Fatigue set in as Arjun faced the eleventh and twelfth boys, their determination evident. Yet, within the constraints of the time limit, Arjun summoned reserves of strength and resilience. Each clash resonated with a narrative of survival, the battleground a canvas for the struggle between endurance and limitation.

As the final seconds ticked away, Arjun stood amidst the defeated, bruised but triumphant. The blue screen flashed, signaling the successful completion of the challenge. The 2000 experience points accumulated, a testament to Arjun's grit in the face of adversity.

The aftermath revealed a scene of both victory and exhaustion. Arjun, battered and weary, surveyed the defeated foes surrounding him. The confrontation, a test of physical and mental prowess, had unfolded within the confines of the imposed time limit.

The voice of Phoenix resonates within Arjun's mind, accompanied by the appearance of a familiar blue screen. The digital mentor declares, "Master has already finished this fight within the given time limit. As a bonus, you will get 1000 extra experience points."

A surge of joy courses through Arjun, a victorious grin forming on his face. The additional experience points, a reward for his swift success, further embellish his journey with the Phoenix system.

Surveying the unconscious boys sprawled around, casualties of the confrontation, Arjun couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. The plan to call him here, orchestrated by Ayush, Manish, and Amit, had backfired spectacularly. Arjun's newfound abilities, bestowed by the Phoenix system, had tipped the scales in his favor.

The realization hits Arjun that the trio, Ayush, Manish, and Amit, had vanished from the scene. He recalled Amit's deceptive invitation, a ploy to lure Arjun into a trap. However, Arjun's victory had disrupted their carefully laid plans.

Arjun, assessing the aftermath of the fight, realizes the visible toll it has taken on his hands and face. Concerns about his mother's reaction and the state of his clothes add a layer of urgency to his situation. Spotting a tap nearby, he rushes to clean himself, scrubbing away the evidence of the confrontation.

As he exits the building, Arjun is greeted by the hidden trio—Amit, Ayush, and Manish— who had orchestrated the plan. The relief on their faces is palpable, believing their scheme had succeeded.

However, a voice interrupts their moment of satisfaction, sending a shiver down their spines. The voice, ominous and determined, declares, "What did I say? I will break the hands and legs of all three of you today."

End of the chapter