
That night, as Arjun lay in bed, his mind swirling with thoughts of the day's events, he was interrupted by the glow of a blue screen in front of his eyes. The words displayed on it caught his attention:

**GROUP NAME: ??**

**MEMBERS: 2/5**

**[ MESSAGE: Fighter will have to write the name of his group. For now he has two members, he will have to add three more members. ]**

Arjun's frustration simmered as he read the message. He knew immediately that the Phoenix System had added both him and Phoenix to the group without their consent. It was a move typical of Gaurav and Manya, always looking for ways to manipulate situations to their advantage.

The demand for a group name and the requirement to add more members irked Arjun even further. It felt like another attempt by Gaurav and Manya to control him, to force him into their schemes without giving him a choice.

Arjun clenched his fists in anger, his resolve hardening against the interference of the Phoenix System. He knew he had to tread carefully, aware of the dangers that lurked behind every seemingly innocuous message.

As Arjun deleted the message from the Phoenix System, his mind drifted back to the conversation he had with Gaurav and Manya at the café earlier that day. Their discussion about the dynamics of power within the school and the existence of ten influential groups resonated with him.

Gaurav had explained that these ten groups held the reins of authority within the school, dictating the social hierarchy and exerting control over various aspects of student life. Below them were smaller groups, each vying for their own share of influence and recognition.

Arjun pondered the significance of these groups and the role they played in shaping the school's landscape. He understood that individuals like Vicky, seeking protection and support, often aligned themselves with these smaller groups in exchange for loyalty and favors.

The revelation that these ten important groups operated under the command of an external entity intrigued Arjun. It hinted at a larger, unseen force pulling the strings behind the scenes, manipulating events to suit its own agenda.

Arjun couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled over him as he contemplated the implications of Gaurav's words. It was a stark reminder of the complexities and dangers lurking beneath the surface of seemingly ordinary school life.

The next morning, Arjun went through his usual routine before heading to school. As he arrived, he found himself waiting outside the gate for someone, his thoughts still lingering on the conversation from the previous day.

Eventually, he spotted Manya and Gaurav approaching from a distance. Arjun remained in place, waiting for them to draw closer. When they finally reached him, Gaurav wasted no time in addressing Arjun.

"So, what do you say, Arjun? Are you on board with my plan from yesterday at the café?" Gaurav's voice held a hint of anticipation as he awaited Arjun's response.

Arjun remained silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a subtle shake of his head, he conveyed his decision without uttering a word.

Gaurav's keen intuition picked up on Arjun's gesture, understanding it as an acceptance of his plan. A smirk of satisfaction tugged at the corners of Gaurav's lips as he realized that Arjun was finally aligning himself with their agenda.

As Gaurav placed his hand on Arjun's shoulder, a sense of camaraderie filled the air as they walked together, with Manya following closely. The trio made their way to 11 commerce, taking their seats, and Arjun positioned himself right behind them.

As Gaurav settled into his seat, a sudden realization prompted him to shift to a different table. Arjun observed this action with curiosity, and Manya joined them at the table. Gaurav, now sitting directly across from Arjun, wore a mischievous smile as he prepared to share something.

Leaning in, Gaurav spoke in a hushed tone, "I've heard from some sources that there's going to be a lot happening in the classroom today." Arjun, somewhat surprised by Gaurav's cryptic statement, exchanged a puzzled glance with Manya.

Arjun, sensing the need for caution, advised Gaurav, "Whatever it is, say it discreetly, choose your words carefully." The tension in the air lingered as both Arjun and Manya awaited Gaurav's revelation.

Gaurav, maintaining an air of mystery, replied, "In my opinion, the small groups you're up against today... I just want to wish you good luck." The enigmatic nature of Gaurav's message left Arjun and Manya pondering what lay ahead, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air as the day's events unfolded.

As Arjun entered his classroom, his mind still swirling with confusion over Gaurav's cryptic message, he was oblivious to the commotion brewing outside. It wasn't until he stepped into the room that he realized something was amiss.

The sight that greeted him sent a shiver down his spine. At least 40 boys had gathered, their faces contorted with determination as they prepared for... something. Arjun's heart raced as he tried to make sense of the situation unfolding before him.

Gaurav's voice cut through the tension, his words carrying a chilling undertone of indifference. "Don't worry, Arjun. Even if your bones get broken, I'll take care of the rest," he assured, though Arjun couldn't shake the feeling that Gaurav's words offered little comfort or reassurance.

Arjun's gut churned with unease as he realized that whatever fate awaited him, Gaurav would not be there to lend a helping hand. The realization dawned upon him that he was truly on his own in this battle.

Suddenly, a boy approached Arjun, stepping out from the crowd with a baseball bat in hand. Arjun's eyes widened in alarm as he took in the sight of the other students wielding cricket bats and baseball bats, their intentions clear and menacing.

Arjun's mind raced as he tried to devise a plan, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for the confrontation that lay ahead. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, signaling the inevitable clash that was about to unfold.

As Arjun stood surrounded by the menacing group, Gaurav's voice sliced through the tension. "Arjun, I'm the leader of all these small lender groups. Just be careful," he warned, a cryptic edge to his words. Arjun couldn't decipher whether this was a genuine warning or a veiled threat.

Without warning, a boy launched a powerful kick at Arjun, sending him crashing into the wall. The impact reverberated through his body, leaving him momentarily dazed. The hostile atmosphere intensified as the group closed in, a palpable sense of danger hanging in the air.

Manya, her concern evident, turned to Gaurav. "Won't you help Arjun?" she implored, but Gaurav remained silent, a stoic figure in the midst of chaos, seated where Manya had been.

The boy who had initiated the assault now addressed Gaurav, demanding his involvement. "You tell him among us," he insisted. Gaurav, unmoved, calmly responded, "I won't come among you at all. Instead, I wish only for God's grace that you all make it out safe."

Arjun muttered to himself, expressing thoughts that seemed to be both elusive and essential.

"I should have understood... I forgot this..."

Arjun compelled himself to stand, defying the apparent astonishment of the boy who had kicked him. The boy couldn't fathom how Arjun managed to rise so effortlessly.

"Only the strongest survive in this world; the weak have no right to exist."

The boy, perplexed by Arjun's words, couldn't grasp the meaning behind his seemingly nonsensical statements.

"You people are the filth that has been tried to be cleaned many times, but humans like you have never been cleansed."

The boy's retort was sharp and filled with venom. "Why do you spout nonsense? No one is going to spare you today, you bastard."

Arjun's response was measured yet resolute.

"If the system does it to me, then... I will do it to the system too."

The boy, not only the aggressor but also the leader of the small group, found himself equally perplexed by Arjun's seemingly nonsensical muttering. He couldn't decipher the meaning behind Arjun's words, dismissing them as mere ramblings.

Arjun, on the other hand, grappled with a persistent question that echoed in his mind. Why did he always seem to be a target, vulnerable to the exploitation of others? The weight of this recurring weakness gnawed at him, prompting a self-reflective query. How could he find a way to break free from this pattern?

As the leader advanced with the intention to strike Arjun, a sudden surge of determination coursed through him. In a swift and unexpected move, Arjun unleashed a powerful spinning kick, connecting with precision to the leader's head. The impact resonated through the air, momentarily halting the aggression as the leader recoiled from the unexpected counterattack.

Arjun's eyes reflected a mix of defiance and newfound strength, the taste of retaliation lingering in the air. The unexpected turn of events hinted at a shift in the power dynamics, leaving both Arjun and the small group leader to reassess the unfolding confrontation.

The surrounding boys, including the bewildered leader, stared at Arjun with a mix of surprise and uncertainty. Arjun, finding a reservoir of inner strength, muttered to himself once more.

"If you people's are hunters... are you ready because I will hunt you people's today..."

His words hung in the air, a declaration of defiance that hinted at a newfound determination. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Arjun's bold statement resonated, setting the stage for an unexpected turn in the confrontation.

End of the chapter