Out of Control

Arjun collapsed to the ground, his limbs heavy with exhaustion, each movement sending waves of pain coursing through his battered body. The weight of his fatigue pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket, leaving him gasping for breath.

Amidst the haze of his exhaustion, Arjun's phone buzzed incessantly with notifications. With trembling fingers, he reached for his phone, the screen flickering to life with a series of messages from the Phoenix System, each one bearing a critical piece of information.

[ MESSAGE 1 : Kick boxing skill level 5. ]

[ MESSAGE 2 : Alert Skill level 8. ]

[ MESSAGE 3 : Fighter level 16. ]

But Arjun's mind was clouded with pain and fatigue, his focus slipping in and out of consciousness. The words on the screen blurred together, their significance lost on him as he struggled to remain conscious.

Arjun's senses snapped into focus as the Alert Skill surged within him, warning of the impending danger. With a jolt of adrenaline, he fought against the overwhelming fatigue, summoning what little strength remained.

Struggling to stand, Arjun pivoted just in time to confront the threat from behind. Every movement sent sharp stabs of pain through his battered body, but determination burned in his eyes. With a swift, unsteady motion, Arjun launched an attack, attempting to ward off the assailant.

The clash was brief, and Arjun's weakened state betrayed him. His blows lacked their usual precision, and he winced at the pain that reverberated through his own body with each attempted strike.

As he managed to turn and face his attacker, Arjun's eyes widened in disbelief. Karan, fueled by rage and wielding a baseball bat, stood before him. The realization that a former friend had become an adversary added another layer of complexity to the already chaotic situation.

"Why, Karan? What is this about?" Arjun managed to utter, his voice strained but defiant. The words hung in the air, a desperate plea for understanding.

Karan's response was laced with venom as he sneered, "Today, you've destroyed everything I had. You won't leave this alive, you motherfucker."

Arjun's anger flared at the unjust accusation. The echoes of their past, the torment he endured, and the memories of his own transformation fueled a simmering rage within him. Despite the pain and exhaustion, a determination to survive and confront the injustice burned in Arjun's eyes.

The confrontation escalated as Karan raised the baseball bat, his intention clear. The room, once a battlefield, became a stage for a personal vendetta. Arjun, battered and worn, braced himself for the next onslaught, his mind racing to find a way to overcome the relentless assault and emerge victorious once again.

Arjun's hands clenched into fists, his anger boiling over as he locked eyes with Karan and his two friends, Siddharth and Abhay. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, snatching the baseball bat from Karan's grasp and hurling it away from them.

His gaze shifted to Gaurav, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes, only to be extinguished by Gaurav's indifferent smile. The realization struck Arjun like a blow to the gut – he was alone in this fight.

Anger surged within him, fueled by the betrayal of Karan and his friends. Memories of old Arjun's torment flashed before his eyes, a constant reminder of the pain he endured at their hands.

"I don't know where you are right now, old Arjun," he seethed through gritted teeth, his voice laced with bitterness. "But if you're watching, know that I'm taking revenge on you. I'll make sure these three pay for what they've done to me."

With a determined glint in his eyes, Arjun braced himself for the coming confrontation. The echoes of his past self's suffering drove him forward, a relentless force pushing him to seek justice and redemption.

Arjun's rage fueled his movements as he launched into a flurry of kicks and punches, his kickboxing skills honed to perfection. With lightning speed, he targeted Siddharth's abdomen, delivering a powerful blow that left him gasping for air, doubled over in agony.

As Abhay attempted to intervene, Arjun swiftly turned his attention to him, his fist connecting with Abhay's jaw with bone-crushing force. The impact sent Abhay reeling backward, crashing to the ground in a daze.

The students watched in stunned silence as Arjun's onslaught continued, his every move calculated and precise. The once-confident attackers now lay sprawled on the ground, their cries of pain echoing through the classroom.

Meanwhile, Karan made a desperate attempt to flee, but Arjun was relentless. With a swift motion, he grabbed hold of Karan, dragging him back into the fray. Despite Karan's struggles, Arjun's fury knew no bounds as he unleashed a barrage of blows, each one fueled by years of pent-up anger and resentment.

But even as Karan cried out in pain, his resolve remained unbroken. With a final burst of adrenaline, he managed to break free from Arjun's grip, staggering away in a desperate bid for escape.

But Arjun was not finished yet. With a determined grimace, he pursued Karan, his footsteps echoing in the now-silent classroom. With a swift, decisive strike, he brought Karan to his knees, delivering blow after blow until Karan lay battered and defeated.

As Siddharth and Abhay attempted to rise once more, their cries filled the air, a futile plea for mercy. But Arjun's resolve remained unyielding. With a series of precise strikes to their faces, he rendered them unconscious, their bodies crumpling to the ground in a heap.

The classroom fell into a stunned silence as Arjun stood amidst the fallen, his chest heaving with exertion. The once chaotic scene had come to a decisive end, leaving Arjun alone in the aftermath of his fury.

Gaurav's heart sank as he heard the accusing voice from behind. Turning to face Nitin, the boy who had addressed him, Gaurav's expression mirrored his own feelings of helplessness.

"I thought you could have stopped him from fighting, but why didn't you?" Nitin's voice was filled with frustration and disappointment.

Gaurav's shoulders slumped as he replied, "Nitin, I wish I could have done something, but the situation spiraled out of control too quickly. It's... it's out of my hands now."

Nitin's expression softened momentarily as he surveyed the scene unfolding before them. His eyes scanned the classroom, searching for any sign of Karan's whereabouts. And then, amidst the chaos, he spotted Karan's retreating figure, fleeing from the scene.

"Gaurav, look!" Nitin exclaimed, pointing towards Karan's disappearing form.

Gaurav's eyes widened in alarm as he followed Nitin's gaze. The realization that Karan had managed to escape only added to the sense of urgency that gripped them both.

But their attention was quickly drawn back to Arjun, who now stood towering over Siddharth and Abhay, dragging them by their collars towards Karan's direction.

Gaurav and Nitin exchanged a worried glance, unsure of what would happen next. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them both, and they could only watch helplessly as the events unfolded before their eyes.

End of the chapter