

It was a rainy night in Forks, like most nights in January. The wind was howling, and thunder was striking; the streets were desolate, and no cars were moving.

Forks was like a ghost town.

Yet on the outskirts of this small town, deep in the woods, stood a lone Victorian-styled house that truly seemed like a ghost house, but it was far from it.

Inside the house, the atmosphere was starkly different from the stormy chaos outside. The flickering light of an old-fashioned chandelier illuminated a spacious, dimly lit room. The air was filled with the hum of machinery and the occasional whir of computer fans.

In the room was a man walking here and there, tinkering away with the machines and the different chemicals. A sound of a machine rang through the room, alerting the man. Quickly reaching and opening the machine, a vial of yellow liquid was revealed.

Observing the liquid carefully, the man walked to a door at the end of the room. Opening the door, what greeted him was the sight of cages on the wall full of bats, but not just any bats; these were vampire bats, the most dangerous bat species in the world. Alone, they can't do much, but together they could kill any man without effort.

But rather than stop and admire the nocturnal creatures, the man walked a bit further into the room, coming to a stop in front of a cage that had a small white mouse. Looking at the mouse for a second, the man opened the cage and injected the mouse, waiting for any reaction.

And a reaction he got; the mouse started squeaking and making noise, which made the lone scientist get an excited glint in his eyes. But it was short-lived because all he saw was the mouse stop moving and take its last breath.

"No... please... NO."

The man, who up to this point had been silent, angrily shouted and kicked an empty cage on the floor before he himself crumbled.

Squeak -

A cage railing sound got him out of his miserable state, and he went to look at the cage again, only to see the mouse moving fine.

The realization was instant for the man; he had done it.

He had done something people thought was crazy and impossible.

The man didn't wait around; he ran back to the catalyst machine and took one of the two vials left. He inserted it into a syringe before attaching a needle onto the string. Setting it down on a table, he ran upstairs before stopping in front of a room. Opening the room, he was greeted by what looked like an ICU room/a kid's room.

On the bed hooked up to machines was a pale and frail boy who looked small. The man walked toward the boy and caressed his face before he slowly started to unhook the machines.

While the man was doing this, the boy woke up to see he was being moved.

"Da...d," the boy said with a ghastly voice.

"It's going to be alright, son."

"It's going to be... alright," said the man, who was now carrying his son in his arms.

Getting down to what we now know is a lab, the father set his boy down on what looked like a surgery table. He took the syringe before stopping and looking at the syringe.

It was a moment, but his eyes hardened, and he walked back to where his son was laying.

"Please work," he whispered under his breath.

Getting his young son to sit up, he lifted the shirt he was wearing and started to count his backbones before he stopped in the middle of his back.

"Please," he said one last time, before he injected the yellow liquid.

After the injection, silence rained.

The man waited, but when nothing happened he backed a way in shock before collapsing on the floor and nocking down a table that had class containers.

"W.w..what have I done" he said holding his head while shaking in horror.

But before he could dwell on his crisis he heard a horrible crashing noise.


he quickly got up only to see the table his son was on empty and deformed, almost like it had been folded in half.

Taking a step towards the table, he felt something run past him.

Looking at the direction he felt the breeze from, he saw his son crouched in the corner. 

"Nathaniel" he said, trying to get his sons attention.

walking towards him he, heard a growling noice coming from his son. Hesitating a bit, he reached an arm towards his son trying to get his attention.

"Nate" Just when he grabbed his sons shoulder, he turned around, and what he saw....


Suddenly, Nate's eyes shot open to the blaring sound of a police siren.

Disoriented, he relied he had been dreaming and that he had fallen asleep in his car. Raindrops drummed on the car roof, and the red and blue flashes from the police car illuminated the dark interior.

Nate groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes, as a police officer knocked on the driver side window. Rolling the window down, the police officer looked at Nate with a stern face before questioning him.

"You know you can't park here right?"

Nate who was still groggy from the sleep looked at where the police officer was pointing at, only to see a "No parking" sign, which was half covered by moss.

"I'm sorry officer I didn't see the sign there" said Nate, kind of surprised that the sign was there.

The officer gave Nate a hard look before saying " Alright, move along son" Shaking off the remnants of the dream, Nate started his car and drove away, forgetting the weird dream he just had.


Nate drove through the soaked road that would lead him to his hometown Forks, It's been a long time since he has been there

The last time he was there, it was Christmas, and he was 12 years old. He had gone there only because his mother was too busy doing drugs to spend Christmas with him. So, his uncle had flown him to Forks to spend Christmas with his family.

He stopped his train of though when he noticed the gas gauge flirting dangerously close to "Empty." Realizing he needed to refuel, he pulled into a dimly lit gas station that seemed to emerge from the shadows.

"Thank god". he whispered, a bit surprise that he would find a gas station just when he needed one.

The rain had lessened to a drizzle as Nate stepped out of his car, the wet asphalt reflecting the station's flickering fluorescent lights. The air was a bit foggy and the blue cloud covered sky coupled with quietness made the gas station eerie. The only sounds that were present being the distant hum of the gas station's lights and the rhythmic patter of raindrops.

As Nate stood at the pump, a woman across the station caught his eye. She waved at him, and Nate, thinking of his situation, absentmindedly waved back, not knowing her boyfriend was standing at the opposite pump.

The woman's boyfriend and a man likely his friend approach Nate with hostile smiles. The boyfriend, a burly figure with a shaved head, spoke in a confrontational tone, "What's your problem, man? You waving at my girl?"

Nate, caught off guard, tried to defuse the situation, "No, I didn't mean anything by it. Just a friendly wave, that's all." Not at all bother by the two guys trying to intimidate him.

He's dealt with a lot of bullies in his younger years and more than one douchebag, so these thing didn't really bother him.

The friend chimed in, "Friendly wave? I don't know man, if you ask me I think he was hitting on your girl"

Nate getting increasingly more annoyed , racked the gas pump and went for his car door, but before he could reach it, the boyfriend stood before him. "where do you think your going" He said getting into Nate's personal space, giving him a push.

Nate becoming angrier every second couldn't help but slap the arm that was pushing him away " Okay I don't know what your problem is, but I don't have time for this. So could you do me a favour and piss off" He said feeling something tugging in his head, he doesn't know why but he was getting really angry, when he's usually calm even in the most annoying situations.

But suddenly, it was as if all the confidence the two guys had was drained when they saw Nate's face. "What the hell is that?" exclaimed the other guy before he ran back to the car, and the boyfriend did the same, making sure to take his girlfriend with him.

Confused, Nate went to open his car, but the reflection of his face in the car looked monstrous for a second before he blinked, and it was gone.

He touched his face while looking at his reflection "weird"

It seems a lot of that is going on for Nathaniel flame swan today.


Nate continuing his journey to forks, driving once again with a full gas meter and this time a bit of music to take his mind off of the things that have happened so far.

- All I ever wanted was to be an MC

Tediously I wrote obediently, believing in me

EPMD must've had teachin' degrees

Learn to defeat enemies with the ink, thinkin' of these rhymes

Would be as easy as eatin' graffiti

Would be like remedial readin' to me (yeah) - 

Rapping along one of his favourite rappers usually did the trick of calming him down, and it seemed to also take his mind off of the time considering he just passed the a sign that said "Welcome to forks".

Nate drove past the sign, the tires humming a subtle melody on the wet pavement. Raindrops danced on the windshield, distorting the view of the dense woods that lined the road. Forks, with its mysterious charm, welcoming him once again.

Following the familiar route, he navigate through the town a little before he drove down the street his uncles house was located in.

As he approached the quiet White House he couldn't stop his mind from remembering the Christmas he spent with his uncle, he had good memories of it, it was the last Christmas he had celebrated, but it was also one of the best.

Nate parked his car on the driveway, the rain continuing its gentle descent. With a deep breath, he stepped out into the cool evening, taking the one bag he had with him from the trunk.

He walked towards the house and climbed the steppes to the door, but before he could knock the door it was opened by a man in his early forties, with black hair that had a touch of silver lines and the thickest moustache he had ever scene.

There was a moment of silence, before the man gave Nate, who was a couple of inches taller than him a hug.

"It's good to see you Nate" He said, in an almost sorrow filled tone

"Yeah..uncle Charlie" Said Nate, not at all expecting this from his uncle, but never the less embracing it.

They stayed like that for a moment longer before Charlie patted him in the back and let him go. looking at him for a moment Charlie reached out to grab Nathaniel's bag which he let.

"Come on in" he said walking inside and Nate following him.

Looking around the quiet house, Nate noticed that it was more different than the last time he was here, for one it seemed smaller than the big and warm house he remembered from his childhood.

"What is it" asked Charlie seeing Nate looking around in though.

Shaking his head Nate said" Juts seems smaller than I remember" which made Charlie chuckle a little. 

"Yes well, you were bearly taller than Bella who is 4 years younger than you" Wich made Nate give him a look that said "I dare you".

"But speaking of Bella, is she here" he asked, walking behind Charlie who was going up the stairs to the second floor, most likely Guiding him to his room.

The question seemed to dim charlies good mood a bit, he seemed to hesitate a bit before he decided on his words.

"She..aa..when out with some friends today" he said a bit quietly, Nate seeing something there didn't want to dig more so he just followed Charlie to a room at the end or the hallway of the second floor.

"I didn't have much time to work on the room but I hope it's good enough" Charlie said humbly.

Walking into the room, Nate saw a large bed with black and white sheets, a small black book sofa next to the window and a black closet. It seemed like his kind of room, simple and dim, just the way he liked it.

"No" he said looking at his uncle.

"It's perfect, and thanks for letting me crash here for a little" he said turning to his uncle fully.

"I just got to work some stuff out and then I'll be out of your hair" Charlie seemed taken aback by Nates reluctancy to stay.

"NO!....I mean no, you can stay here as long as you want, it's no problem" Nate who was taken aback by Charlie raising his voice only nodded a yes, before Charlie said "Good" and walked towards the door, but before he left the room he turned around which made Nate look at him.

"O and..ahh if you still do that music thing, you could clear out the storage room in the back yard, I'm sure it has a lot of space, but years of throwing in stuff has made it a bit cramped up. So.. yeah" he said punching his hand lightly while walking out of the room.

Nate looking at where his uncle stood only a moment ago couldn't help but laugh a little and shake his head. It was always the same with his uncle, he made him feel like he mattered as long as he could remember.

"Well, I guess home sweet home" Said Nate before taking off his hoodie and cap and getting on the bed and slowly dozing off from the rain sound.


Hey guys Author here.

So Twilight? Yeah there aren't many good twilight fan fictions out there but I hope this one can be an exception, so tell me honestly about what you guys think about the MC.

Alson give me any ideas you think would be good for this fan fiction.

And if you can spare some donations for your boy it would be greatly appreciated.

But I will be writing chapters with quality so if you could donate a small some like 2€ than I will try and publish much more but for now stay tuned.