Only one

Finishing the song, Nate turned both the recording and broadcastin off.

"Sigh, I guess it's out there now" he said.

Nate felt both relieved and anxious at the same time. It's been around a year and a half since the last time he released anything music wise, and even though he was confident in his abilities, it was still nerve racking the first couple of days after a music release.


That's what the people know him as, they don't know who he is how old he is or where he comes from, yet at the same time they know almost everything about him.

And that's all because of his music.

Nate started his career when he was 14. At the beginning it was an instrument to release all the pent up emotions he had built up over the years. It was something his therapist at the time recommended, and considering he always wanted to become a rapper that's what he chose.

But who knew in a matter of 1 year he would gain almost millions of fans all around the world, and it was because of 2 thing. How relatable and down to earth his lyrics are and the way he releases his music, by broadcasting it on a radio station live from his home studio, than releasing the video after.

And before he knew it, he had become someone people looked up to and he appreciated it.

Going to his laptop on the stand, Nate when't through the new file that had the name:The search on it before giving the video finishing touches and then pressing upload.

He didn't make music videos often, only a handful of his song had music videos and this song being something he had written on his hiatus, it only had a simple picture that had black balloons stuck to a stool.

Feeling the familiar vibration of his phone ringing in his pocket, Nate checked to see it was someone whose number was under the name "Stress bomb" before picking it up.

But before he could even greet the person on the other side he heard a yell that to him almost sounded like a scream.

"DUUUUUDE!" the person on the phone yelled.

"UGH, could you please stop doing that every time" Nate said, already familiar with his antics.

"NO! and do you have any idea what you just did" the person behind the phone said sounding a bit angry.

"What" he said not knowing how to answer, with his friend it could be anything.

"NATHANIEL FLAMEL SWAN" he screamed his full name through the phone.

"What is it Mathew" Nate said, revealing the name of the person on the phone.

"I've been hogging you for months, MONTHS to release a new song, and rather than tell me, you just go ahead on your own, not even telling your fringing MANAGER" he said sounding really worked up.

Nate understanding his friend/Maniger's feelings wen't ahead and apologised.

"I'm so..." But before he could even finish the apology he was interrupted once more by Mathew.

"YOU beautiful specimen of a human, you don't need to apologise, do you have any idea how people responded to that new song of yours" He said suddenly changing his tone completely.

Nate at this point felt his stress levels rising, knowing his friend he was about to go on a rant, so before he could start he interrupted him.

"Could you cut to the chase man" he said lightly so as to not make him more heated.

"Your song is already on the top 100 chart, making a frigging record, a record I tell you and it hasn't even been 30 minutes since you performed It live on the radio"

That surprised Nate quite a lot, looking at his computer screen and checking the video he just released, he saw the viewer count nearing 10 000, which was an insane amount.

"Hahahahah, do you hear it Nate the cash register is singing"Nate having enough of his friend just hang up on him.

"he won't stop pestering me for a while now" Nate said with a light smile.

Mathew Ethan, was Nates childhood friend. He couldn't remember how they met but Mathew always joked around saying he saved him from being an outcast at the playground kingdom.

Looking at his phone, than at his laptop Nate couldn't help but sigh.

But he didn't dwell on it for too long, before he felt a bit hungry and decided to just go back to the house and see if there was anything to eat.

That's what he did, he walked in on Charlie watching a baseball game by himself.

"Hey" Nate said before going board the kitchen.

"Hey, if your looking for some food, I ordered pizza" Charlie said, raising the half eaten pizza box.

Seeing this, Nate just shrugged his shoulders before walking and taking a seat next to Charlie, Taking a slice of double mozzarella pizza Nate looked at the match that was playing on the TV, not recognising any of the teams.

"Seattle Mariners, they're going against the Washington nationals. It's only a friendly skirmish" Charlie informed Nate, giving him a side glance.

"cool" he said before, there was silence.

Anyone who knew Charlie would tell you he's a social awkward person, that even though he can open up when you get to know him, he's still clueless on socialising. Coupled with Nates habit of observing peoples behaviour and keeping mostly to himself, you can be fairly surten there was an air of awkwardness around.

Nate not knowing what to say at this point in time just said the first thing that came to mind.

"So,...I cleared out the shed" Charlie looked at Nate with a small smile.

"I know, I saw it when I came back" there was another implication with that statement and Nate noticed it right away.

'He saw it? wait does that mean' Nate thought turning to his uncle with a look of panic, wich made his uncle laugh lightly.

"Relax, I won't tell a soul" he said, with a smile.

Making Nate sigh, if he was honest with himself, he was a bit embarrassed that his uncle found out accidentally. It was his thought that when he spent some time in forks he would tell him about the fact that he was a world class rapper, but I guess not everything goes as planned.

"You know, Bella likes your music" He suddenly said, interrupting Nates thoughts, which made him confused at first, but then it hit him.

"You've heard some of my songs?" Nate asked, clearly curious about it.

"Yes, but not by choice." He said comically " She blasts that speaker of her's every time she listens to your songs, it's kind of annoying really" he finished wich made Nate laugh a little.

He felt refreshed, knowing his family liked the songs that he made, even though one of them was forced on it, it still made him happy.

"Im sorry I didn't say anything" he finally apologised.

"I guess, Im just used to keeping it under wraps, forgive the pun" He said, making Charlie give him his whole attention, not caring about the baseball that was playing.

"Your mother?" he asked.

Nate understanding the question only shook his head.

"I tried to explain, but she never really cared," he said, recalling the time he shared a sample of his music with his mom. Unfortunately, she didn't show much interest afterward.

Seeing Nate lost in though Charlie tried to console him.

"If it's worth anything, I know your father would be proud" he said suddenly laughing, like he remembered something."Just like that day he told me you wanted to be a rapper, he was so shocked" Which made both Nate and Charlie laugh.

"Yeah, I remember that day, umm? I think it was that time we went halloween shopping, yeah that's it" Nate said, quit sure of his memory, but Charlie had another thing coming for him.

"Aaa,.. I don't think it was that time, you were older then. No it was around the time you know, sick" he said getting a bit awkward at the end, but this knowledge made Nate look at Charlie like he had a third head.

"Sick?...what do you mean?" Charlie seemed to raise his brow at the question, before going ahead and answering it.

But before he could answer, Bella barged through the door in a hurry, but she stopped on her tracks when she saw how both Nate and Charlie seemed to be looking at each other, like they were in a deep conversation, which they were, but she didn't know that.

"Am I.aa interrupting something?" she asked, looking at both there faces.

"Nope, just men talking about, boring men stuff"Charlie said, in a sarcastic tone while giving Nate a side wink which made Nate shake his head in amusement.

"Okay, I'll just go then" Bella said pointing at the stairs, before climbing them and disappearing most likely into her room.

Charlie looked at Nate before both of them chuckled lightly.

"She seems to be doing better than last night" Nate said looking at the stairs.

"Yeah" said Charlie, clearly in a strained voice.

Seeing this reaction Nate knew instantly not to get nosy, but Charlie had a different idea.

"It's all because of this new boy she met when she moved here last year" and so Charlie wen't ahead and told Nate everything.

"So this morning when she said she would go and spend time with Jacob" he stopped mid sentence, letting Nate finish for him.

"You thought it would take her mind off things?" Which Charlie agreed with, not knowing what to say, Nate thought he could maybe give insight if he spoke of experience.

"It's her first break up, it will take awhile for her to get over it, but with time I'm sure she'll do better"He said making Charlie look at him and smile.

"Look at you, giving me advice" He said lightly.

Smiling a bit, Nate turned his attention to the tv to see the Seattle team wining, pointing his finger.

"Your team is winning, I'll let you watch the rest of this in peace" He said before getting up, and making his way upstairs.

Walking toward bells room he knocked lightly on the half opened door, not getting an answer he walked in slowly so as to not startle Bella.

He saw her sitting on a chair, facing the window, she also had on some oversized headphones and a cable that ran to an mp3 player she had in her hand.

He went to take a step forward but pain erupted in his ear, hearing a sound that reminded him of an acoustic feedback, and before he knew it the pain faded replaced by a soothing singing voice.

No, I can't be the only one who's lonely tonight

No, I can't be the only—

There's gotta be somebody out there

There's gotta be somebody somewhere

That needs company, and it's comforting to know, know

There's gotta be somebody out there

There's gotta be somebody somewhere

That needs company, and it's comforting to know

Something in Nate stirred for some reason, hearing the voice of the singer, made Him feel something He's never felt before in HIs life, longing.

But before he knew it, it was like the singing faded out of existence.

"Nate?" Bella said, surprised to see him in her room, and that seemed to get Nate out of his trance like state.

'that..was..weird' he thought, smiling at Bella.

"Thought I would come and check up on you" he said changing the subject, while taking a seat on her bed. getting of the chair, she sat down next to Nate before taking off the oversized headphones, which had music coming out of it that sounded similar to the one he heard a little while ago.

"So? did you have a good time" Nate asked, giving the headphones one more glance before he paid attention to bellas face, she had small bags under her eyes which indicated little sleep and the pale face could either be the Swan genetics or she wasn't feeling too well.

"I did, it was fun" she said lightly, in thought.

Seeing Nate giving the headphones side glances Bella took it in her hand and extended it.

"You want to listen" She said, surprising Nate, but interested he took the headphones and put them on, and once again it was like all of his worries and stress disappeared when he heard the singing.

- There's gotta be somebody somewhere

That needs company, and it's comforting to know, know

There's gotta be somebody out there

There's gotta be somebody somewhere -

Nate found himself utterly captivated by the girl's voice—the raw emotion, the poignant melody that seemed to carry her feelings, her pain, and, above all, her deep longing.

Nate felt a hand on his shoulder, opening his eyes he saew Bella looking at him with a small smile.

"It's good, right?" she said, making Nate take of the headphones.

"'s..something" he said not even sure what words to use.

"Whose the singer?" he asked, curious. On one hand, he wanted to know who the voice belonged to, and on the other, it was obvious the song wasn't ready.

Bella's smile faltered, before she answered.

"It'" She said in a hesitated matter.

Nate seeing Bella didn't want to talk about it changed the direction the conversation was going. 

"So anything notable happen today" 

Bella who was almost unenthusiastic a moment ago suddenly brightened up before she got on her desktop computer and typed away, Nate curious walked next to her and leaned in.

"So you looking for something?" he asked

"Yeah give me a second" she said, before she pulled up a video that was titled NFS-The Search.

"Yes, it's real" she said all happy, which made Nate really amused.

"Im guessing you'll be busy with" he said feigning ignorance by reading the title of the song.

"I'll leave you to it then" he said going for the door.

"okay." Bella said looking back at him, while waving, but before he left he remembered his uncles complaint.

"Umm, if you'r going to listen to some music maybe use the headphones, uncle Charlie told me about your habits" he said laughing a little at the expression she made before he wen't to his room.

Walking in and plopping himself down to his bed, his mind kept on going back to the girl who was singing. He didn't understand how a persons voice could affect him so much. Turning on his bed his leg hit something on the bed. Looking at what he hit, he noticed the box he had discovered in the shed lying there. Looking at the box for a moment, he decided to try and opening it.

The lock was a combination lock, and it needs a 6 number combination. thinking for a moment, he tried his fathers birthday which was, 20 07 60. But it didn't work.

"Sigh, what could it be" he thought, before he stopped for and put a number in.

"CLICK" and just like that it opened.

"Huh" he said in a surprised tone, because it was his birthday, but not dwelling much on the fact he opened the box to see what was in it.






Hey guys author here, again this was a difficult chapter.

It took me 4 days to write it, this was more of an information chapter to show you what type of relationships Nate has with both Bella and Charlie.

Anyway as always give me constructive criticism and as always catch you on the flip side.

PS: Any of you guys want a bonus chapter this week, send me donations through my PayPal.

PPS: Also after consideration I have decided to make Edythe the love interest because not only does she suit the mc but because she won the vote so I hope you enjoy my story.