
Opening the box, the first thing Nate saw was a picture of his mother father and a babe which was obviously him. Taking the picture from the box and looking at it made him feel really sad. This picture may be the only picture with his entire family.

His mother and father divorced when Nate was young, he couldn't remember when it was or how it happened, but one thing he was sure about was it was due to his mothers drug problem. Not dwelling on the thought any longer, Nate rummaged through the box to see a fountain pen a watch and some old glasses.

Nate sat there looking at the now empty box not understanding why his father would Lock a box that only had mundane items. Inspecting the box more Nate notices an ant sized hole on the side of the box, moving his finger over the hole he looked at the fountain pen that was now on his bed.

'No way' he thought, before picking up the pen and inserting the pen into the small hole, feeling a subtle click as if unlocking a hidden mechanism.

Nate looked inside the box again to see the bottom half of the box opened up. Looking inside Nate found a sleek device that looked like a memory card. Picking it up and inspecting Nate confirmed it was a memory card, putting that to the side. Nate inspected the box more to see a file that said Eternum-V.

"Eternum...V" He read aloud, opening the file to see different equations and chemical compounds that were confusing.

'Vampire Bat?' he thought, after seeing a picture of the named creature on the file.

Nate read through the file, not understanding some of the things that read but getting the gist of what was being theorised.

How did Nate understand something as difficult as this? Well it was fairly simple, 4 years of studying Hematology does that. He didn't speak about it much but growing up Nate wanted to get away from his mother fast, with all her negativity and drug abuse, so he took the same path as his father did, which was studying Hematology, and having an IQ of 145 made it simpler for him, but not easier.

"Curing innate blood decease by fusing human blood with a serum made from bat blood" he Summarised, baffled by what his father was doing.

" But why" he thought putting the file down and thinking to himself. Why would his father even attempt something like this, what was he trying to achieve.

Looking at the memory card that was next to the pen, he got up and went down to get his laptop from the shed, while he was doing this he realised the sun had set and both Bella and Charlie had retired to there rooms.

Getting his laptop and an SD card reader, which he never found use for he returned to his room and set his laptop down and put the memory card into he reader and the SD reader into the laptop.

"Sigh, here goes nothing" he said opening the memory card icon on the laptop, looking through the countless videos that had names like #echolocation and #Bat communication.

Scrolling down more, one video that had the tittle #Succes, caught his eye. opening the video and playing it.

"After countless failures and set backs, it's finally ready" The video began, with his father, Michael Morbius Swan recounting of his trial and error faze. Nate being too distracted by seeing his father actually speaking didn't hear the introduction part but his focus returned when his father said something odd.

"Finally, I'll be able to save him,...My son" Which made Nate even more confuse.

'What does he mean save me' and at that moment he remembered what his uncle had said in the afternoon.

"-It was around the time you were sick-"

" I don't understand, why would I be sick, why would I need saving" Looking at the next video that had the title #Blood, he pressed play.

"It's been a week since the serum has been injected on the subject, subject shows...abnormale abilities" His father said hesitating on the abnormal.

Picking up the camera his father positioned it on a large glass cage, that had a medium sized white bed, some toys....and a boy who looked to be around 5-6 playing with toys.

"What the hell is this" Nate said, squinting his eyes at the video.

"Nathaniel" His father said, getting the boys attention.

The boy walked forward to the glass cage and placed his hand on the glass. Nate who was observing this couldn't believe his eyes. Without a doubt the child in the video was him.

"It's feeding time" His father said to little Nate, before disappearing from the cameras view and then reappearing with a plastic bag which contained blue liquid. Nate who recognised the blue liquid was even more confused.

'What does he need artificial blood for' He thought, knowing it was his father who had invented the miracle blood.

Before anymore questions could present itself on Nathaniel's mind, he saw his father put the blood bag into the small opening on the door of the glass cage and what happened next scared Nate to the core.

The small innocent looking boy who was In the cage, reached out for the blood and then his face contorted into something monstrous, with bat like features and canines the size of blades, and then he started drinking the contents of the bag.

"Subject has been cured of the blood related decease with Eternum-V, but the serum appears to have evolved him somehow, turned him into a combination of both bat and human" Michael swan said to the camera, a worried look marring his face.

Nate who was looking at the video was absolutely horrified. Is this what was happening to him, was he turning into that...that thing.

"Everything seems to be fine with the subject, if anything more then fine....but if the subject does not ingest blood every 72h he will start to show signs of weakness and the illness returning" And that was the last thing Michiale said before the video ended.

Nate who was looking at the laptop screen in what could only be described as horror pressed the laptop keys to the next video, and the next and the next. watching every document his father made of him and his supposed abilities.

While Nate was watching the videos, the sun started to rise from the horizon, and by the time he was on the last one which had the title #Counter agent, the other two residents of the house started to stir and get ready.

"The counter agent, as I like to call it will negate all of the side effects, which include needing blood to survive and all the previous named abilities which the subject had presented.

But it may have other side effects like impairment of bodily functions memory loss or even....death" Said Michael who was sitting on a desk in his old office.

Nate who was just quiet, watched on as his father explained the possibilities of the counteragent.

"But if this works, not only will Nate be cured but he will be able to live a normal life" When his father spoke those words, it was like something broke in Nates mind, a flood of anger came crashing down on his mind.

'Why' He thought, getting up and storming out of the room, practically jumping down the stairs and opening the front door with such force that it actually came out of it's hinges. But Nate who was angry couldn't process the damage he cause and just slowly picked up his pace towards the path that he knew led to the forest.


At first his pace was a normal brisk walk, then it transitioned to a jog, from there a fast running pace.


But then his speed just kept increasing and increasing to an impossible pace. Nate didn't realize, but the speed he was running at was so great that he merely looked like a shadow while passing the trees.

Keeping his impossible running speed, Nate didn't realize that in front of him was a downed tree, and so he ran straight through the tree, which made him both trip and break the tree in half.

Launching into the air and flipping in an uncontrollable way, Nate was confused. But before he knew what was happening, a sixth sense kicked in and made him grab a tree branch while he was flipping to stabilize himself and smoothly grab onto the tree he was about to collide with.

Looking down to the ground that was close to 6 meters away from him, Nate reacted in disbelief before letting the tree go and falling, back first onto the ground.

"Ugh." Nate winced in pain.

Now on the ground and in pain, the only thing Nate could do was look at the sky and wonder, why all of this was happening and why him of all people. Why was he sick, why can't he remember any of the thing he saw on the video and most of all why was he turning into a monster.




"WHYYY" He finally screamed , letting all of his pain and frustration out.


After a while of laying there on the forest floor, Nate started hearing a sound that was soothing. Closing his eyes and focusing on the sound he got up and started walking towards it. After a while he came out of the forest and what greeted him was the buetifull sight of the ocean.

"La push" He said a loud.

Nate was surprised, he knew he must have run far, after realising he was running fast, but all the way to la push, it was.


But after Nate said those words, he remembered all the other thing he saw himself do in the videos.

"Im going to be using this word often" he said, walking to the beach and just looking at the waves, and the birds harmoniously existing together.

Feeling a vibration on his pocket, he took his phone out to see his uncle had called him and left him a voice mail.

Looking at the phone Nate pressed play on the voice mail before listening to it.

"Hey Nate, are you okay, I've been calling you for a while now. please call me back as soon as you see this message" He listen to his uncles worried voice mail one more time before signing to himself.

"I guess I made him worrie" he thought, just when he was about to press call on his phone, he hurried muffled yells before a sharp sound penetrated his ear wich made hims wince, but suddenly he could hear the noises clearly.

"Come on Seth, if you wan't to join you have to jump" He heard a voice of a boy.

Looking around for where the voice was coming from, Nate saw a bunch of 13 year old kids on a cliff, pushing a boy to jump.

"Hey I said I don't wan't to jump" Nate heard the boy that was being pushed, scream in panic.

Looking at the height of the cliff and the lone rocks protruding from where he would land if he was thrown from the cliff, Nate knew instantly.

"If they throw him, he's going to die" and without even thinking he used his new found ability to speed up the rock and come up behind the laughing kids.

"What the hell do you think you're doing" Nate said, a bit angry at their recklessnes.

All of the kids turned around to see Nate looking at them with a frown, before they ran away leaving the kid they were pressuring to jump.

Looking at there running backs, Nate scoffed and shook his head, before walking towards the kid who was on his knees in fear.

"You okay" He said reaching an arm to help him up.

When the boy stood up, he suddenly winced in pain.


Nate who was holding his arm, helped him balance on one leg.

"What's wrong" He asked a bit worried.

The boy who was clearly in pain moved his ankle a couple of time and winced.

"I think, I sprained it" He said looking at Nate.

Nate who was clearly feeling bad for the kid put his arm around his body and lifted him a little.

"Well then, let's get you home" he said, and they started walking down the cliff.

"So you live close by" Nate broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Yeah, just 5 minutes from here" the kid said.

"Im sorry for this" he continued, clearly wanting to get something out of his chest.

"Were they your friends?" Nate asked, realising that he was practically carrying him and not feeling absolutely anything.

'What the hell' he thought, but then he put it on the list of crazy things he will have to deal with later.

"No, they were just some kids from the Rez trying to act like the older kids" He said, clearly bitter.

"Why did they wan't you to jump" Nate asked, and that's when the kid finally looked at Nate.

"They called it an initiation or something, again they were just imitating the older boys in the Rez," He said, scoffing.

"At first they said it would be a small task, like climbing a tree, but then they brought me to the cliff and you know the rest is history" he sighed.

"Well, the good thing is you clearly showed them you didn't want to jump, they won't bother you anymore because of it" Nate said, knowing full well the behaviours of bullies.

The kid who Nate realised he didn't know the name of looked at him weirdly.

"How would you know?" he asked, making a strange face.

Nate chuckled before saying "Because I know bullies, they usually go for kids who are week willed and indecisive, and you were defiantly not those things" Which made the kid smile.

"What's your name" Nate asked, approaching a lone house connected to a road.

"It's Seth" he said, pointing at the house.

"That's my house, I can walk the rest of the way" He said, trying to pry himself from Nate but when he did, he almost fell down.

Nate who was about to let him go watched as his ankle gave out and once again grabbed him before he could fall down.

"Nope, you defiantly can't"He said helping him to the house and getting up the porch. Before Nate could knock on the door it was swung open by a girl Nate recognised instantly.

"You?" He said supprised.

But the girl took one glance at Seth before she got a hostile look on her face.

"You!" she said.


Hey guys author here, once again.

This chapter took me ages to write because I'm struggling a bit with Nathaniel's emotional side.

Tell me if I executed it correctly and as always any constructive criticism is welcome.

If you want an additional chapter weekly, you can donate €10, and I will get on it ASAP.