Chapter 30: 3 Possibilities part 1

The third-tier spell Ascension was finally sold for 970 gold to a noble young lady in a third-floor private room at the auction.

The atmosphere inside the auction was still heated, but Reji had already left with his two apostles.

Back on the main street, it was now deep into the night, and most of the "Nightlight Magic" spells in the street lamps had been extinguished. The dense night air meant few people were visible around.

Walking in the lonely surroundings, Reji was still pondering the scenes from the auction.

In the game, humanity at the beginning of the millennium was indeed much inferior to the demon race, but this much gap was like that between high school and university.

Taking fourth and fifth-tier magic as an example.

For humans a thousand years ago, it was also difficult, but not to the extent of being an insurmountable gap. Smaller nations might have hundreds of magicians at levels 30 to 40, while larger kingdoms or empires could have up to a thousand.

As the demon invasion progressed, humans, though plunged into war with heavy casualties, also significantly unleashed their potential.

During the hundred years of the human-demon war, magicians exploded in numbers like springs, and under the frenzy and encouragement of Reji, the "Son of Destiny", many geniuses reached the "Magician" level at levels 40 to 50, sparkling brightly.

Not to mention, humans a thousand years ago had a figure more bizarre than Reji as a "player", the absolute legend in the magical world, the Great Guardian Malvin.

This legendary figure, as one of his mentors in the game, created countless fourth and fifth-tier spells in his lifetime, laying a solid foundation for the human magical world.

His own level and power were such that he could even compete with Sorcery Demon Dian, who was over level 80.

By the end of the human-demon war, Reji could say without exaggeration that the human mage corps had nearly caught up to, or even surpassed, the demons.

However, a thousand years after the victory in the war, Reji imagined that without him, the "Son of Destiny," to continuously push forward, humans might not progress further, but relying on the legacy from him and from the Great Guardian, they shouldn't have regressed too much, right?

The result?

A spell like "Ascension" which was considered a basic entry-level technique for the mage corps a thousand years ago, is now treated as a rare treasure and was the highlight of the auction.

A fourth-tier spell has become a rarity that can only be passed on by word of mouth, and a fifth-tier spell is now seen as something legendary?

This is not just regression.

It's like going from university, all the way back to middle school, no, even elementary school.

'Why has this happened?'

Reji urgently needs an analysis report from a professional.

Fortunately, he has one right beside him.

Reji did not show his inner confusion.

Instead, as if casually chatting during a night walk, Reji slightly turned his head to the Wisdom Demon following silently beside him and said, "Leo, what do you think?"

The Wisdom Demon, of course, knew what Reji was referring to.

Rather than saying he was waiting, it would be more accurate to state that he had been expecting Reji to speak up all along.

The king had been silent on purpose, walking quietly, likely giving them time to think and prepare their responses.

And now, it was his time to demonstrate his worth before the king.

Leo would not let down the reputation of a Wisdom Demon.

"Your majesty, it seems that the majority of humans, a thousand years later, have indeed regressed to an unfathomable extent," Leo began, affirming his conclusion.

"It appears we can launch an attack directly."

This was an interjection from a nearby Sorcery Demon.

Reji did not respond.

The Sorcery Demon was quickly silenced by Leo with a shake of his head.

"Dian, do not oversimplify matters."

"Before we understand why humans have become like this, I would not recommend the demon race to reveal themselves in any form."

"So, Mr. Leo, what do you think caused this?" asked the Sorcery Demon, whose thirst for knowledge and exploration was among the strongest in the demon race.

This was one of the reasons why Reji had brought Dian along.

He wanted to exploit the Wisdom Demon's knowledge while maintaining his image as a demon king, necessitating someone else to question the Wisdom Demon on his behalf, just like Dian was doing now.

"With our current limited information, I can hypothesize three possible directions," Leo said, not directly answering but instead posing a question to the Sorcery Demon: "Dian, if you were a human ruler, would you prefer most humans to be stronger or weaker?"

"Mr. Leo, I don't think that's a question. Of course, the stronger, the better."

"You are mistaken. This is where our demon race differs in mindset due to our different ways of survival from humans."

"Our race, due to constant warfare and the need to move to a new world after depleting the resources of one, must ensure the strength of every member of our race. We need the entire group to become stronger."

"However, humans are different. They have their own rich world, unparalleled creativity, and continuous development power. For them, peace and stability are the primary factors for their survival."

"If I were a human ruler, then I would keep all the core power in my own hands, and for those under my rule, I would wish them to always remain within a weak range that does not exceed my control."

Listening to the Wisdom Demon's analysis, Reji couldn't help but nod.

'Indeed, After all, there are real examples on Earth, where, in a technological civilization, firearms are equivalent to spells'

'During times of war, everyone has guns, and if one is a higher military rank, they could upgrade to rifles, machine guns, or even individual rocket launchers'

'But once the war ends and peace prevails, these lethal weapons all but disappear, "at least for the civilians" '

'And those rulers who chose to arm their civilians with deadly weapons... To put it bluntly, they either end up with a hole in their forehead or, more directly, their chest blown open by a shotgun'

After all, Reji is a human, living in a purely human society, so he understands quickly.

But the Sorcery Demon sees things differently.

Dian was still frowning, seemingly struggling to fully grasp Leo's analysis.

"Surely not all human rulers are that selfish?" he questioned, interpreting it as rulers forsaking the interests of their people to maintain their own power.

That is indeed one aspect, but not the whole story.