Chapter 5: Polishing

Chapter 5: Polishing 

The first rays of dawn filtered through the small window of Darius's chamber, stirring him from slumber. He vaulted from his bed, a rush of youthful vigor surging through his veins as his eyes sparkled. Today marked the beginning of his journey to Rancito Corboda, the prospect of which stirred a sense of adventure deep within his six-year-old heart.

Darius dressed hastily, thoughts of the two-week carriage ride to the bustling city swirling in his mind. The thrill of the upcoming journey seeped into him, but to his surprise, it was intertwined with a growing melancholy he couldn't shake off. 

 As Xue Feng, he would have been ecstatic, focused only on the prospect of growing his power. But he wasn't merely Xue Feng anymore. 

He was Darius Valdene. And it was Darius who felt the sting of leaving his familiar surroundings, the home he'd known for his entire second life. It was Darius who would miss the warmth of his parents' smiles, the comfort of his nursemaids folksy tales, and the grandeur of the Valdene estate that he'd grown to love. 

'As I am stepping into this journey,' he thought, 'I am leaving behind a part of myself. A part that is purely Darius.'

This realization was as unsettling as it was enlightening. Acknowledging the gradual transformation from the old soul to the new heart of Darius, he realized, was not only about embracing his future but also about cherishing his present. It was a poignant reality he could not dismiss.

As he reached for his sturdy boots, a soft knock echoed through the room. "Come in," he invited, recognizing the gentle rap.

A house maid stepped inside, her rustic voice quivering slightly as she delivered the news. "Young Master Darius, everything is ready. Your Father and Lady Amara await you at the morning meal."

Her demeanor was uncharacteristically somber, her hazel eyes brimming with an emotion she usually kept well hidden. Observing her sadness, Darius felt a surge of sympathy. Despite his eagerness to embark on his journey, he was acutely aware of the void his absence would leave behind.

"Don't worry, Tilly," Darius reassured her, a sense of determination infusing his tone. "I'll be coming back, no matter what. This is my home, after all."

Tilly's expression softened, a smile appearing despite her worry. Then, her typically reserved demeanor gave way, her deep affection for the young master overcoming her.

"Darius," she started, her voice trembling with raw emotion. "I know you're going to do great out there. But this house! It's going to be as quiet as the library without you running around. No more sound of your feet on the nice floors. No more laughter echoing through the halls. And the library! It's going to collect dust without you reading through those books each day. Master Darius, it's going to feel like a piece of this house's heart has up n left!"

Nodding his understanding, Darius moved to reassure her further. He slipped a well-worn book into his satchel – the bard's book about his father, "I'll not forget where I come from, Tilly," Darius promised, his eyes meeting hers. 

Tilly managed a watery smile through her sobs, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "Oh, bless your heart," she hiccupped. "I just know it! But promise me you'll not forget to change your socks every day!" 

A rare genuine smile escaped Darius as he grabbed his satchel, gave Tilly a long hug, and made his way out of his chamber, the sense of resolve settling around him like a cloak. His footsteps echoed down the hallways of his home, each step a potent reminder of his past and a step towards his future.

Today, he was not merely Darius Valdene, the youthful heir. He was a budding mage, a potential Manaforged Knight, poised to embrace whatever trials fate presented. Amidst the looming uncertainties, anticipation and confidence welled up within his chest.

Darius, just six years old, was in no rush to take his place at the table. Instead, he paused as he entered the room, letting his eyes wander over the intricate carvings etched into the Valdene dining hall's high ceiling. He then came to his parents, his gaze meeting theirs with a sense of dutiful respect. His youthful heart swelled with pride at their encouraging smiles. Even though he was young, he carried himself with the quiet dignity befitting a Valdene heir, reminding everyone in the room of the noble lineage he was part of. As he finally made his way to his seat, his actions were measured and deliberate, revealing the careful grooming of a future noble leader.

Darius, exuding a composed demeanor, gracefully assumed his place at the table. "Are you prepared for our travels to Rancito Cordoba, my son?" inquired his father. Darius gave a nod. "Indeed, Father, I am prepared."

What followed was an impromptu quiz. The morning air in the grand hall filled with anticipation as Jarek Valdene began his line of inquiry. He spoke with the gravitas of a seasoned knight, challenging his son with a multitude of questions regarding the intricacies of the two dominant Power Systems of Gaia.

"Tell me, Darius," Jarek began, "What can you tell me about the Manaforged Knight System?"

With confidence beyond his years, Darius immediately launched into an explanation. "The Knight System is a tiered structure based on martial prowess, knight's skills, and control of mana. It consists of nine distinct levels, each denoting a specific degree of skill and power."

Listening intently, Jarek nodded and prompted him to go on. "And how does a knight ascend these tiers?"

"To ascend, knights must go through rigorous training, preform certain rituals, embark on combat missions, and demonstrate their valor in battle. They must master the art of mana based combat, showcase tactical prowess, and claim victory in their battles."

His father then posed a tricky question. "And what of the aura? How does it come into play?"

Unfazed, Darius explained, "A knight's aura is a visible embodiment of their mana. As a knight advances through the tiers, their aura matures and takes on the form of spectral armor. This armor reflects the knight's power, skill, and personality, granting a unique identity to each knight. The aura also emits a pressure corresponding to each knight's style and power level."

Pleased with the response, Jarek asked, "And how do these auras differ between the elemental affinities?"

Darius, being well versed in this subject, went on to describe the different affinities and their associated specialties and tactics in a knight's style, their auras' appearances, and their preferred weapons.

Through the conversation, Jarek was visibly impressed, his chest swelling with pride. "Well answered, Darius," he commended his son. "Remember, once you've been chosen, you will begin your training in earnest. You'll be taught the system technique in detail, allowing you to truly grasp the might of this system."

The young noble nodded, accepting his father's words with an air of eager determination. 

 "The mages will have their first go at you, Darius. They always do." A note of frustration tinged his words. "If the test was being conducted in a Penitent Knights' territory, it would be us Knights who would assess you first." 

His mother rolled her eyes at Jarek's open display of annoyance. "Don't worry, Darius. I have faith in your potential as a mage," Amara added confidently. "You started reading and learning about spells at such a young age. I believe you were born to be one."

Amara's eyebrows lifted, a playful glint sparkling in her eyes. "Alright, Darius, let's see how much you really know about my Arcane Ascension System," she said. 

"Quiz away, mom."

"Explain the difference between an Initiate and an Apprentice," she started, keeping her gaze fixed on Darius.

Darius didn't hesitate. "An Initiate can cast Tier 1 spells six times before exhaustion, while an Apprentice can do it eighteen times. Also, an Apprentice's aura is more pronounced and visibly stronger, indicating a more significant mastery of mana. Of course, this can vary sometimes, based on multiple factors."

"Good," Amara replied, nodding her approval. "Now, what is the significance of the Instant-Caster stage?"

"That's when a mage becomes proficient in rapid spell casting, and can start casting Tier 3 spells. Their aura also becomes dynamic and vibrant, indicating their growing strength and control over their mana," Darius said.

"Correct. Now here's a tricky one for you," she said, her smile widening. "What is the most critical factor to evolve from an Inceptor to an Instant-Caster?"

Darius chuckled. "Trick question, mom. There's no specific factor. One simply has to improve their mana control, broaden their understanding of their spells, and increase the overall strength and visibility of their aura through comprehension of their element."

Amara laughed. "I thought I could catch you off guard. Well done, Darius."

His father, Jarek, chuckled from the sidelines. Darius' detailed understanding and confidence only solidified the faith both parents had in their son's potential. His path was destined to be nothing short of extraordinary.

Their lighthearted bickering filled the room, their shared love for Darius apparent in each word. It was their unity, despite their divergent hopes for his future, that gave Darius a surge of warmth and assurance.

Breakfast ended amidst friendly banter and shared anticipation. They walked out into the open air, a carriage waiting to transport them to Rancito Cordoba. Darius paused at the threshold, his eyes sweeping over the Valdene estate. He could feel the history, the love, the strength in the very stone and timber. His home, a part of his identity, he was leaving behind. A lump formed in his throat. Squaring his small shoulders, he stepped onto the carriage, his heart pounding with the prospect of what was to come.

Looking back at the Valdene mansion receding in the distance, he found his voice, his words swallowed by the cool morning breeze. "I'll be back when I'm stronger." The vow, whispered more to himself than to anyone else, was filled with the anticipation of a future filled with power and knowledge. And as the carriage bumped along the dirt road towards Rancito Cordoba, Darius Valdene settled into his seat, the faintest of smiles playing on his lips. He was ready for the journey ahead, ready for the tests, ready for his destiny.