Chapter 20: It's Time

Chapter 20: It's Time

 A realization struck Darius with sudden clarity. 'They can't see my aura.' This revelation ignited a surging excitement within him. Eagerly, he whispered, "This is amazing!" Then, turning to his mother, he asked with a blend of hope and curiosity, "Mother, can you really not see anything different about me?"

 Amara's response began playfully, "See? Other than your usual oddities? No. But... hold on." Her expression shifted from light-hearted amusement to focused concern. "Water, Darius? How do you have water mana within you!?"

 "Inside?" Jarek's voice carried a hint of skepticism. As a master of lightning, his ability to perceive water mana was naturally attuned. Approaching Darius with a thoughtful expression, he placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

A look of deep concern etched itself across Jarek's face. "Darius, what exactly have you been experimenting with?" 

Darius, meeting his father's gaze, responded confidently, yet with an air of humility. "Father, as I've explained, I've devised a unique system of power. It circumvents my inherent limitations in traditional mana practices." His tone was matter-of-fact, underscored by a sense of pride in his innovative achievement.

"Observing nature's intrinsic equilibrium among the elements, I initially assessed various research trajectories. After meticulous preparation, I narrowed it down to three potential paths..." Darius delved into an exhaustive account of his research journey. He meticulously articulated each phase, down to the finest detail. His voice was steady and quick, almost like a drone, 

the monotonous humm of his explanation was so magical that it even lulled little Haku to sleep.

 Both of his parents stared at Darius their expressions of concern frozen, then they looked at each other. 

 Darius's parents exchanged a long, silent look. Out of nowhere, Amara's expression broke into laughter, jolting Haku back into position, her mirth ringing through the air. Jarek, on the other hand, closed his eyes and shook his head, a hint of resignation in his gesture.

Darius, puzzled by their reactions, asked, "Did I miss a joke somewhere?" His mother's laughter echoed around them, joined by a burgeoning chuckle from his father. "I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything funny," he added, a tinge of embarrassment and annoyance creeping into his voice.

"My sweet boy," Amara managed to say through her bouts of laughter. "My sweet little wolf." Her chuckles began to subside as Jarek chimed in with an explanation, "You haven't actually said anything amusing, Darius, we were actually just talking about this earlier. It's just that sometimes you come across a bit... creepy."

"Jarek!" Amara exclaimed, her voice rising in a mix of shock and amusement as she playfully slapped Jarek's arm.

At his father's words, a wave of embarrassment washed over Darius. His face turned a shade of red, and, caught off guard, his control over his mana wavered, causing a puff of steam to escape from his mouth.

 "What?!" Jarek burst out, still chuckling. "I'm sorry, son. I know it's not quite parental to say this, but you do have a way of speaking like an old man at times, and it's a bit unusual," he said with a straightforward honesty.

 "Little wolf, it's just that we worry about you, beyond all your research," Amara said gently, her tone filled with a mother's concern. "You need to learn to loosen up a bit." Her soothing words gently eased some of Darius's embarrassment.

 Darius's mind raced with a sense of unfairness, 'I'm actually older than both of you. How can this be blamed on me?'

"You're just 12, Darius," Amara said, looking at him earnestly. "I know you're probably not thinking about girls just yet, but you have to relax a little. I worry about the kind of wife you'll find if you're always so intense," her voice quivered with a mix of concern and fear.

 "Wife?!" Both Jarek and Darius exclaimed at the same time. "Mother, I have other worries and there is nothing wrong with me, if I wanted to, I'm sure I could find a very nice wife." Darius said as a matter of fact.

 "Alright, alright, let's leave the future aside for now," Jarek said, placing his hands on Darius's shoulders and looking at him with a mix of pride and reassurance. "Now, let's focus on the present. What exactly have you achieved, Darius? And please, try to keep it straightforward."

Darius nodded, pushing aside his embarrassment, he started with a firm voice, "I've managed to develop a new system of power. As of now, I can only absorb water mana. At this point, I can only use it as I absorb it; I haven't achieved the level required to store it yet."

 Jarek released his grip on Darius and took a step back, giving himself a moment to observe his son more thoughtfully. 

"Wait, did you say 'only'?" Amara interjected, her voice tinged with astonishment.

"Yes, right now, I can only absorb water mana. My plan for heading into Fang Root Forest is to collect what I need to absorb the other four elements," Darius explained. He paused, knowing full well that this revelation would deeply impact his parents, and braced himself for their response.

 True to Darius's prediction, his parents' reactions were memorable. Jarek suddenly sat down as if his legs had given out beneath him, while Amara stood with her mouth agape, her eyes glazed over in sheer disbelief.

"Darius, this system you've created... Is it aligned with mages or knights?" Amara finally managed to ask, her voice sounding distant, as if she was still trying to wrap her mind around his revelation.

Darius paused, considering his response carefully. "Well, if I had to categorize it, I'd say it's a blend of both mage and knight systems. I've named it the Arcane Talisman Technique," he declared with a sense of pride. His words carried the weight of ancient wisdom, breaking through his parents' initial shock. Suddenly, Jarek was on his feet, and Amara's gaze sharpened; Darius now had their undivided attention.

"I'm at a point where I need a more concentrated source of mana to further refine my body. The mana I've been absorbing from the library with the Elemental Nexus Array, isn't sufficient to push past my current bottleneck." Darius's expression was earnest and contemplative as he openly shared his challenges and concerns.

"Elemental nets us... what? Okay, this is really giving me a headache," Jarek muttered, rubbing his temples, feeling overwhelmed by the barrage of information. "Amara, could you take over here?"

 Amara, seemingly more attuned to Darius's line of thought, nodded, her researcher's mind kicking into gear. "I'm not entirely sure about this Nexus Array either, but Darius, if you're looking for a purer mana source, could mana crystals be of any use?" she asked, her tone indicating she had managed to follow most of Darius's complex explanations.

 "Indeed, that's part of my plan for the forest," Darius explained, "to seek out mana crystals and locate areas with a higher concentration of mana. The forest is said to have a spot where the earth mana is particularly dense." As he spoke, Darius knelt to beckon Haku, but the fox remained steadfastly by Amara's side, causing a slight twitch of annoyance on Darius's face.

"It seems like the perfect opportunity to introduce you to the Valdene Family Treasury," Amara remarked, a playful smirk on her lips.

 It was Darius's turn to be taken aback, plopping down on the dirt, "We have a treasury?" he blurted out, a mix of surprise and excitement in his voice. His mind wandered back to his past life as Xue Feng, recalling the wealthy, ancient families with their vast resources. Those resources were easy pickings back in his prime.

 "Absolutely, my boy," Jarek replied with a tone of pride. "Our Valdene lineage dates back to the Age of Twilight. It would be rather odd if we didn't have one."

Darius, not wanting to seem overly demanding, added cautiously, "I would only need one Mid-Grade Chaotic Crystal for each of the remaining elements for now." He felt a deep gratitude towards his parents in this life, believing their kindness was more than he could ever repay. The bonds he had formed here were new and profound, unlike anything he had experienced in his past life as Xue Feng, where his closest relationship was that of a master-apprentice bond with Wu Chen. These new connections were different, deeper. He had resolved long ago that in this life, his pursuit of power would not be for its own sake, but to safeguard and protect his new family as well.

"First, stand up, Darius," Jarek commanded with a tone that resonated with the authority of a battle-hardened warrior.

Instantly, Darius snapped to attention, well-acquainted with his father's abrupt shifts into a more disciplined demeanor.

"Now, show me what you can do. Strike me," Jarek said, positioning himself squarely in front of his son. His expression was stern, devoid of any playfulness that usually marked their father-son interactions. This was a request from one warrior to another, a challenge for Darius to demonstrate the extent of his newfound abilities.

 "Understood," Darius responded, immediately starting to channel his Arcane Talisman Technique. Water mana flowed into him, coursing through his meridians with the speed and brilliance of a comet. Stabilizing his breathing, Darius focused and then swiftly delivered a straight punch directly at his father's chest.

Jarek made no move to block the attack; it was crucial for him to gauge whether Darius could bear the weight of their family's legacy. The punch connected solidly with his chest, emitting a sound reminiscent of a thick cedar plank snapping.

 The impact of Darius's fist against his father's chest felt like hitting a slab of steel. Pain surged through his hand, each bone throbbing as if bruised, but he masked any sign of discomfort. Showing weakness was not an option in front of his father.

Internally, Jarek was astounded. The force of Darius's punch felt akin to that of a knight trainee on the brink of a breakthrough. He estimated the force at about 2 cauldrons, considering a beginner trainee knight typically exerts a force equivalent to 200 pounds, or 1 cauldron. Discreetly swallowing the blood in his mouth to conceal any sign of injury from Darius, Jarek's face lit up with pride.

 "Darius, I know you have many questions, it's time you learned the full story. You need to understand why the Valdenes are in our current situation, the truth behind my actions after your failed test, everything." The seriousness on Jarek's face was an expression Darius had never seen his father use before. 

"Darius, you've more than earned the right to know. But be warned son, this knowledge is a heavy burden, one our family has borne for over two millennia." Jarek's voice was firm, yet a hint of sorrow lingered in his eyes. Beside him, Amara inhaled deeply, a slow exhale following as she seemed to brace herself, gathering resolve for what was to come.

"Let's return to the manor first, we've got a lengthy discussion ahead," Lady Amara remarked, affectionately ruffling Darius's hair as she walked past him. "And I'm famished after giving your father a bit of a show," she added with a playful tone, glancing back with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

 "You cheated!" Jarek snapped to his defense, his tone abruptly shifting away from the dire conversation a moment before, though his valid protest fell on deaf ears as Amara nonchalantly walked away. 

 Curious, Darius inquired delicately, "What happened, Father?" His question seemed to do more to provoke Jarek than to satisfy any real curiosity. 

 Trailing Amara and the obedient Haku, Jarek shared his grievances with Darius, his voice rising in theatrical indignation. "She used a beast crystal, can you believe it?" he exclaimed, his tone painting him as the wronged hero. "I was holding back, I was sparing by the rules we agreed on... and this was all her suggestion!" He pointed accusingly towards Amara. "How can I properly train your mother in close combat if she keep resorting to crystals and blasting spells in my face?" His words reached Amara, who wore an amused smirk, unperturbed by his protest. 

 Beast Crystals served a versatile purpose for both mages and knights. For some mages, particularly, they offered a significant advantage – enabling instant spell casting, a feat no one below 4th tier could achieve naturally. Moreover, if a mage possessed a profound understanding of a specific spell and the crystal was of superior quality, it could even allow instant casting of higher-tier spells. This aspect of Beast Crystals made them invaluable assets in a mage's arsenal. 

 Darius's mind churned with analysis, "Mother, why train in knightly combat? Wouldn't honing your elemental mastery be more effective for gaining strength? You're nearing the fourth tier breakthrough, right? With that, you could cast spells instantly for close combat." Darius thrust his hand forward, mimicking the sound of a spell being unleashed, "Zzzapow!"

 Halting her steps, Amara waited for her family to join her. Kneeling down, she scratched Haku's ears as she enjoyed a cool breeze. 

 "Honestly, I don't think I'll ever make a breakthrough." Her eyes locked with Darius's as the father and son joined her. "During my assessment test, I could only ignite three rings," she confessed, a note of resignation in her voice.

 Darius paused, taking a moment to observe his mother's face, his eyes meeting hers with an earnest, reassuring look. "Mother, you needn't worry. Neither Father nor I would let anyone get close enough to harm you." His gaze reflected his deep concern as he observed the complex mix of emotions on his mother's face. 

 "Surrounded by such heroes, how could I ever have any worries?" she said with a radiant smile, her voice light and filled with warmth. 

 Within the sprawling training grounds, a place usually echoing with the sounds of rigorous training, shouts of triumph or defeat, there was a different atmosphere. A small family, amidst this vast expanse, filled the space with their conversations and laughter. To Darius, these moments were invaluable, eclipsing any material wealth. His time with his family deepened his understanding of his reliance on them. The pride and approval he sought from his father, especially after each milestone in his cultivation, were paramount. His mother's unwavering support and the sense of belonging she provided were his bedrock. No challenge seemed insurmountable with them by his side. They were his foundation, his haven, and the newfound driving force behind his determination to grow stronger. 

 Walking alongside his cherished family, Darius, an old soul, was enveloped by a mix of readiness and unease. Six years had passed – years marked by diligent research, rigorous training, and unwavering patience. The need for truth, a persistent itch since the day of his test, was about to be addressed. Today, he would finally ease that nagging uncertainty. Today marked the day he would step up to share the burdens his family had shielded him from. One thing was certain in Darius's mind: a significant change was on the horizon, one that would redefine his role in the family and his path forward.