Chapter 75: Fires of Awakening

Chapter 75: Fires of Awakening

 "With me?" Darius responded with a smile, yet he shook his head. "I'm sorry, but its just not possible."

Marcus, gesturing for his son to stand, laughed, "from where I stand, you don't have much of a choice. And to be honest, I would be a fool not to recognize a golden opportunity when I see one."

Darius's smile faded, his voice steady and firm, "Look, I genuinely appreciate your hospitality, and I might even say I'm starting to enjoy Percy's company. But like I said, it's just not possible to build my own force."

 Interrupting Marcus before he could respond, Darius asserted, "My path is my own. It's one that no one should be forced to walk with me, or even asked to. The mere fact that I'm here could spell potential disaster for your family. Once my presence becomes known to the towers, peace will never be part of my life again—not unless I can become strong enough to face everything alone. So what i need isn't loyalty, I need the strength to protect those loyal to me first." Turning to look at Clarke, still prone on the ground, he cycled his water mana, conjured a small orb of water in his hand, and tossed it onto her face.

Coughing and sputtering water, Clarke shot up, her hands clutching her throat. It took her a moment to grasp what had happened before she sighed with a smile. "That was amazing." Looking up at Darius, she quickly rose to one knee and bowed her head. "In accordance with my oath, I am now your knight. My shield and hammer are yours to command."

Percy watched the exchange between Clarke and Darius, his thoughts tangled. 'Am I jealous or envious?'

 Seeing Clarke kneel, Darius maintained a serious expression. "Mountain of Floeur d'Alene, Filipina Clarke, my first command to you is this: pretend you do not know me, and have never met me. Return to your life as normal... starting now."

 What greeted Darius's command was silence. All three knights before him strangely wore the same dumbfounded expression. Inside secretly, Darius sighed, 'I don't need some battle-crazed celebrity trailing after me. Dismissing her is the simplest solution.'

Clarke's expression immediately darkened. Without a word, she stood, seized her hammer, and slammed its base into the ground, shouting, "Release!" In an instant, Titan materialized, his colossal form casting a shadow over the area.

leaping onto his back and without hesitation, Clarke galloped off toward Floeur d'Alene.

Shaking his head and clicking his tongue, Marcus sighed, "You wounded her pride."

"The last thing we need is more attention on me. Let's drop all this talk of the future; it's giving me a headache. Are you two ready to continue?"

Marcus and Percy exchanged looks of confusion and resignation. Percy, feeling somewhat betrayed, muttered, "You could have at least told her to notice me."

Rolling his eyes, Darius leapt onto Borg's back. "Be a man and make her notice you...and Percy?" 

Looking over as he mounted Sabre, her multicolored wings unfurling in preparation, Percy called out, "Yeah, boss?"

"Next time I'm in a battle for my life, root for me," he said, squinting slightly at Percy, who seemed to pale at the remark. Tapping Borg's head, Darius urged the beast forward.

Marcus frowned as he watched Darius, 'he's too stubborn to realize, I just hope it's not too late before he does.' With a flick of his reigns, Yakul took off, leaving a trail of ice behind. 

They sped away, leaving Percy momentarily lost in thought. Shaking his head, Percy patted Sabre's neck, "Let's go, I need to watch what I say around that scary kid."

Sabre's muscles tensed, and with a single flap of her wings, she launched into the sky, settling into a glide. With another powerful flap, she shot forward like an arrow loosed from a bow.

The rest of the journey to the site passed in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Darius focused on his current challenge; he knew he needed to break through his bottleneck soon so he could stand in the open on his own. Meanwhile, Marcus rode beside him, deep in thought, trying to figure out the best way to convince Darius to reconsider his plan. Behind them, Percy followed, his mind wandering to Clarke. Wondering if he would ever catch her eye and make her notice him.


While Darius, Percy and Marcus were surveying the purported mythril site, deep within the forest of the beast-farm, Neko dozed on a high branch. Tiny arcs of purple lightning flickered across his grey fur, highlighting the turquoise patches dotting his body.

Abruptly, Neko's eyes snapped open. His head lifted, gaze piercing towards the farm's center. With the swiftness of lightning, he leaped off the branch and zig-zagged through the woods, bursting into the open field.

 Halting and rising onto his hind legs, Neko peered over the tall grass, squinting as a wave of heated air buffeted his face. Shaking his head and staying low, he scurried deeper into the field.

Gradually, he turned his head away from the heat, continuing forward but at a reduced pace. In response, his purple lightning surged around him, clearing a space that allowed him to look forward once more.

Reaching a point where he could no longer advance, Neko pushed his mana to its limits and stood up, his turquoise eyes widening despite the intense heat.

'Big Brother, hot!'

 A few meters ahead of Neko, an area of grass lay scorched and blackened, forming a large circle. At its center, Haku's fiery cocoon was fracturing, with intense beams of blue and black light escaping through the cracks, accompanied by deep growls that sounded like the call of an ancient devil beast.

Overwhelmed by the escalating heat, Neko scurried back to the field's edge and clambered up a tree, its leaves crisping and blackening before his eyes, 'big brother strong.'

 The artificial sky above shifted, darkening to a foreboding red. This change was a response to the immense mana erupting from Haku's cocoon. The arrays Darius had set earlier sprang into action, manifesting multiple barriers. Some shaped into domes and others shot upwards as vertical barriers, all pulsing vividly under the strain of the contained power.

'Master gone, Neko here,' glancing around in panic. He moved forward slightly and began to pat down a smoldering leaf, 'Neko help.'

 Inside the cocoon, Haku endured agonizing pain as his body seemed to tear itself apart, pushed to the brink of exhaustion. 'I can't give up... Darius... needs...'

Suddenly, the barriers encasing him exploded with a deafening crack that tore through the beast-farm, compelling Neko to cover his ears in shock.

Peering upwards, Neko noticed one remaining red barrier still struggling. With a piercing squeal, he leaped from the branch, transforming into a streak of purple lightning. Darting around the fracturing cocoon, leaving behind trails of mana that swiftly gathered into a dense ring, reinforcing the faltering array.

 As Neko accelerated, the mana ring he formed solidified. Eventually, he broke off his rapid circuit, tumbling into the field and kicking up a cloud of dust.

The purple mana ring, now complete, remained stable without his ongoing input. It acted as a binding force, containing Haku's turbulent cultivation and preventing it from spilling out into the farm.

Regaining his balance swiftly, Neko leaped up to check the results of his efforts. With a triumphant smile, he thumped his chest proudly, then scampered back to his previous perch on the branch.

 'Neko protect home.' Focused and alert, Neko vigilantly monitored the situation. Every so often, he'd burst into light, racing around to reinforce the barrier with rapid laps before returning to his perch.

After several rounds of fortifications, Neko began to pant, his energy fading. 'Hurry, Master... Big brother scared.' He gazed worriedly at the cocoon, sensing the struggle within. Inside the fiery vortex of mana, Haku was frightened, Neko knew his new big brother needed help.


Stars dotted the sky, their faint glow guiding the trio as the moon lay hidden. Darius glanced over at Marcus, noting the radiant smile on his face. Raising his voice over the din of their mounts, he teased, "You shouldn't wear your emotions so openly, Marcus! You look like you just had your first kiss!"

Marcus laughed heartily, cutting a shimmering blue arc through the night sky with Yakul. "The secret is in choosing the right people!" he boasted, stroking is large mustache, "I'll definitely reward the survey crew—just not so much that they decide they never need to work again!"

Percy, witnessing his father's buoyant mood, chimed in with a grin, "This couldn't have come at a better time! What do you think Mother will buy first?!"

The smile vanished from Marcus's face as he shot Percy an annoyed look. "Could you not let me enjoy the moment a bit longer?! Why do I have to think about that now?!"

 Darius watched the pair, a slight smile on his face as he leaned back on Borg. The ride was smooth, Borg's pace turning the earth beneath them into a streak of fire, 'Maybe it is time to start planting some seeds...'

Turning to Percy, he called out over the rush of wind, "Percy! Once we're back, I have a few things to sort out, but then we're getting started with your training! Prepare yourself mentally, don't get too caught up in the celebrations!"

 Percy's expression flickered, his smile vanishing momentarily before returning with renewed vigor. "Yes, boss! I won't disappoint you!" His gaze shifted to his father, his excitement barely contained.

Marcus's face lit up with pride, well aware of the insecurities his son carried. The prospect of Percy overcoming them brightened his spirits even further. "Let's hurry home, then! How about a race back? Yakul! Ice-dash!"

As Marcus issued the command, Yakul's antlers ignited with a brilliant glow, the intricate swirling patterns along his body pulsing with ghostly icy-blue light.

 Descending gracefully from one of his expansive leaps, the moment Yakul's hooves touched the ground, the usual fluid bounce was replaced by an extraordinary display. With a powerful thrust of his legs, a massive, multi-spiked glacier burst forth from beneath him. The icy formation propelled him forward with astonishing speed, sending him streaking towards the horizon like a blue flash, leaving a trail of shimmering ice crystals in his wake.

"Not fair!" Percy whined, amplifying his tier two wind aura to its limits. He melded his bronze knight mana with Sabre as she flapped her wings once, releasing a thunderous sonic boom. The pair shot forward like a green comet, rapidly narrowing the distance as they pursued the icy trail left by Yakul.

Glancing down at Borg, Darius felt a flicker of frustration. "You don't have speed-enhancing abilities. Feels like we're being picked on." His gaze then caught the thermal barrier forming ahead of Borg's horn, a product of their current speed.

An idea sparked in his eyes. "What if I eased the resistance against you..." A grin spread across his face as he closed his eyes, channeling his wind mana.

"Blessings of the Zephyr!"

Darius's eyes snapped open, a surge of wind mana converging around him, swirling into a protective barrier. He pressed his hands firmly onto Borg's sleek, plated back, focusing intently. 

Gradually, the barrier expanded, enveloping the Mana-Beast in a cocoon of green, swirling energy. It crept forward, inch by inch, until it finally reached the tip of Borg's horn. As the barrier sealed around them completely, the buffeting wind resistance vanished, leaving only an abrupt stillness.

 Far ahead, Marcus and Percy were neck and neck, lost in the thrill of the race. Yakul's powerful leaps sent glaciers exploding from the ground, while Sabre's vigorous wing flaps produced rhythmic sonic booms. However, they were so engrossed in their competition that they failed to notice a looming cloud behind them, akin to a sandstorm whipped up by a raging desert, rapidly bearing down.

By the time Marcus glanced back, it was already too late. The sound of uprooting trees was his only warning before darkness engulfed them, Yakul emitting a hollow cry as the nights limited visibility completely vanished.

Next to them, Percy, caught completely off guard, didn't see the storm until it smashed into them. The impact crumpled Sabre's wings, sending them plummeting. Fortunately, Sabre regained control just in time, managing a rough but safe landing as the wind howled and debris swirled around them.

 After the wind subsided, Marcus and Percy looked for each other and exchanged glances, relief evident on their faces. "What in the realms was that?!"

Calming Yakul and plucking a branch from his antlers, Marcus, his blonde hair and mustache disheveled, half-joked, "I think we just lost the race."

Percy gently stroked Sabre's head as he peered into the darkness, his eyes glowing with effort, "There's no way Borg's that fast, is he?"

"You might want to start getting used to these surprises if you're going to stick with him," Marcus said, a hint of resignation in his voice. "I think I'm starting to get used to them...let's track the trail of chaos. Just hope he hasn't cut across any farmland." With that, he urged Yakul into a steady leap forward.

"How am I supposed to get used to that? The kid's a freak!" Percy replied, enthusiasm bubbling as he patted Sabre's neck. "But maybe I can learn to be one too." He grinned, then called to his mount, "Let's catch up to the boss!"

 Ahead, Darius reveled in Borg's newfound speed, "Now this is a mount!" Their path marked by a trail of destruction, Borg's speed quadrupled once the wind resistance was nullified. Darius continuously fortified their barrier with his mana, swiftly mending any minor damages from high-speed impacts.

Warily, Darius deployed his Arcane Gaze as they approached populated zones, deciding it was prudent to slow down. "Let's tone it down a notch, Borg. Wait..." His suspicion was abruptly confirmed when Borg dug his hooves into the earth, skidding to a stop. 

Clinging to Borg's plates, Darius exhaled, releasing his grip, and his martial technique. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" he chided, half-amused and half-exasperated.

While shaking his head at Borg, Darius suddenly felt a surge in his heart rate—an oppressive, suffocating sensation, as if something heavy was compressing his chest. Clutching at his heart, he gazed inward, "What's going on? Why does it feel like something's wrong?"

He quickly looked up and extended his vision, seeing Marcus and Percy approaching in the distance. 'They seem fine, so what's causing this? Haku.' Without hesitation, Darius jumped from Borg's back and began hastily drawing a temporary portal array on the ground.

 Once Marcus and Percy arrived, he ignored the puzzled looks and questions from them as he plunged his signet ring into the earth, his voice frantic, "Please be safe! Please!" 

His urgency left Marcus and Percy stunned into silence as they watched him vanish, disappearing through a swirling portal of stars.

As the portal closed behind Darius, Marcus, turning to his son with a resigned expression, "Nevermind. I'm not getting used to it."