Chapter 93: The Big Day

Chapter 93: The Big Day

 The estate buzzed with the chaos of wedding preparations, stirring Crelos from bed far earlier than he'd preferred.

Sitting up, his face ghostly pale and eyes ringed with dark circles, "would've been nice to sleep. I'll just have to manage tired, no problem..."

He buried his face in his hands for a moment, then scrubbed his face vigorously before flinging his hands down and leaping out of bed. "It's okay. We can do this, just act normal."

Splashing his face from a white basin beside his bed, he repeated to himself, "Just be normal, nothing strange is going to happen today, just be normal."

 Opening his trunk, he retrieved and changed into his outfit for the event. He wore a patterned brocade doublet, trimmed with lace at the collar and cuffs, cinched at the waist by a leather belt. A rich brown cape, lined with gold satin, draped over one shoulder. His black trousers were plain but well-fitted, tucked into knee-high leather boots. The look was both elegant and practical, fit for a noble ready for a wedding.

 Standing in front of the mirror, Crelos adjusted his coat with a grimace. "I feel ridiculous."

He applied some balm and carefully combed his reddish-brown hair, finishing by clasping a three-star pendant around his neck, a symbol of his Inceptor status.

A knock at the door jolted him, straightening abruptly as Solomon entered. He quickly bowed, maintaining decorum. "Good morning, Master."

Solomon's presence filled the room, his aura intensifying as he evaluated Crelos. "At least you look the part," towering over him, Brundy scrutinized him closely. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, master. I know precisely what to do."

Solomon leaned in, his gaze piercing as he met Crelos's eyes. "There can be no mistakes. Your performance needs to be perfect. You understand the consequences if you fail in this, apprentice. Even I won't be able to save you from the Tower Master."

 "I won't fail you or Tower Master Crowley, I've been practicing nightly."

Brundy leaned back, his eyes narrowing into his usual slits. "I am proud of you. Once we are done with this, I will ensure that your rewards are increased."

Crelos bowed again, his aura flaring briefly. "Thank you, master."

Satisfied, Brundy nodded and turned to leave. Pausing at the door, he added, "Oh, the man you followed the other night will be attending today. Keep an eye on him. Inform me immediately if you notice anything that might disrupt our mission."

"Yes, master." Crelos watched the door close, his gaze fixed on the diminishing presence of his master's aura. Once alone, he exhaled deeply and sat back on his bed. 'Just act normal. Trust in Darius, get through the wedding.'

He stood, positioning himself before the mirror to mentally rehearse his part. His muttering and pacing growing more intense as time ticked closer to the event.


"This is really something," Darius smiled as he stepped down from the carriage, his eyes glowing as they took in the vast crowd gathered at the main gate. His dark green coat, embroidered with subtle gold patterns, contrasted sharply against the black shoulder cape draped over his left side. The cape's interior shimmered with a golden silk, catching the light as he moved.

His elderly face, though weathered, retained a strong and commanding presence. His long white hair was neatly tied back, allowing the clean lines of his face to be fully visible. A long, white beard, framed his chin, impeccably trimmed to match his dignified appearance.

Behind him, Marcus adjusted his coat and offered a broad smile, his appearance every bit the distinguished gentleman. His military-style jacket was impeccably tailored, adorned with rich gold epaulettes and a vibrant emblem of a roaring lion on his chest. "Most of these people are just here to deliver gifts and congratulations. They won't be attending the actual ceremony or the festivities that follow."

Following suit, Percy emerged from the carriage. His attire, while elegant, was less adorned than Marcus's, featuring a simpler cut with muted gold accents. His jacket, a darker shade of blue, was tailored to accentuate his lean figure, complemented by a crisp white shirt and a subdued red cravat that added a splash of color. His whistle cut through the buzz of the crowd as he remarked with a grin, "I should get married."

"You'd need someone to agree to that first," Darius quipped, eyeing the assembly. "Besides, I doubt this many people would show up for you, given your reputation."

Percy sneered, tailing Darius and his father to the gate as they chuckled. "Things are changing; you'll see, I'll marry someone stunning—"

His boast halted abruptly at the sight of a familiar carriage approaching. "...Lady Clarke."

Darius and Marcus paused as the grand horseless carriage rolled up to the front of the estate. The driver jumped down and opened the door, steps materializing instantly.

All three men's eyes widened in unison as Darius nodded appreciatively. "Formidable and beautiful. Percy, you're aiming higher than I thought."

 Lady Clarke stepped down from the carriage, she wore a rich amber gown that perfectly matched her short, chestnut-colored hair. The dress was elegantly form-fitting, with a bodice that hugged her figure and flared into a sleek, floor-length skirt. Delicate, sheer sleeves added a traditional touch, hinting at the golden undertones that complemented her striking yellow eyes. The neckline was modest yet flattering, drawing attention to the regal simplicity of the design. Her overall look was sophisticated and graceful, embodying both noble tradition and contemporary style, perfect for a wedding guest of her stature.

 "Even her muscles have a certain grace," Marcus observed, glancing at Percy's reaction. Nudging him, "Let's greet her. It'd look bad if we didn't."

Darius rolled his eyes, watching Percy hastily fix his hair and straighten his clothes. "You look fine, just don't say anything odd."

As they approached Lady Clarke, her aura flared briefly upon noticing Sir Feng and the Kinnemans. 'So he's here.' Her expression faltered for just a moment before she composed herself, greeting Marcus with a smile. "Sir Kinneman, you look splendid today."

"Next to you, I hardly stand out at all. You're looking exceptionally radiant, Lady Clarke. You remember my son Percy?"

Stepping forward, Percy offered a slight bow, "At your service, my lady. I apologize for our last encounter; even now, I find words inadequate to describe your beauty."

Lady Clarke raised her eyebrows slightly, a faint smile playing on her lips. "I do remember you, Percy. It seems you've found your words today. Thank you for the kindness."

Feeling overlooked, Darius stepped forward and bowed gracefully, his shoulder cape sweeping across his chest. "Lady Clarke. I must say, I am quite taken aback that the woman known as 'the mountain' could exude such elegance. My lady, you are a match for any beauty I have witnessed."

Her smile wavered for a moment as she turned her head slightly towards Darius, then shifted her gaze back to Marcus. "If you'll excuse me, I have obligations awaiting me inside."

 Suppressing a chuckle at Darius's expense, Marcus offered another bow, "Please, don't let us detain you."

Percy bowed deeply, adding a smile, "My lady."

As Lady Clarke walked away without further acknowledgment, Darius's expression soured slightly. Once she was beyond the gate, Marcus burst into laughter, clapping Darius on the back, "At least she didn't attack you. Though, I suppose she couldn't, could she?"

"A woman's ire is not easily dealt with," Darius quipped, stepping forward to lead the way. "Let's not dwell on this. After the wedding, I'll seek her out to talk now that things have changed."

Percy's cheeks flushed, his smile broadening noticeably. Observing his sudden cheer, Darius's annoyance began to bubble "Since when did you learn to talk like that? Practicing in front of the mirror?"

His color rising further, Percy floundered briefly before pushing past Darius, "Nonsense. I'm not a child."

Marcus and Darius shared a knowing look, shaking their heads as they walked into the estate. The guards promptly recognized the Kinnemans and, upon confirming Darius's identity as the rumored Sir Feng, allowed them entry into the grounds.

The Brundy estate unfurled before them in a lush expanse of perfectly groomed greenery, pathways crisply bordered by towering hedges sculpted into the shapes of various mana-beasts. Blue and yellow streamers ribboned through the air, their colors reflecting the noble house's heraldry, fluttering alongside vibrant flowers that matched in color.

Along the stone pathways, a series of orbs floated, casting soft, shifting lights that danced on the faces of the guests. Nearby, a small ensemble of water sprites summoned from a nearby fountain played a series of enchanting tunes, their instruments made of reformed ice that glistened under the sun.

The air was alive with the soft murmur of conversations and the delighted laughter of guests as they wandered through the grounds, their eyes catching on a grand illusion of a fiery bird with a beautiful tail soaring above, its fiery plumage a brilliant spectacle against the clear sky. Every now and then, the bird would swoop low, its tail feathers dispersing into a shower of sparks that cooled before they could touch the awed guests.

"He really didn't hold back, I heard whispers of the costs but they weren't even close. I'm glad your mother isn't here for this; she would've been mad at me for months."

Following his father, Percy marveled at the extravagant setup, "Why would she get upset with you? That makes no sense."

Chuckling, Darius ran a hand through his white beard, "It makes perfect sense if you've had dealings with women."

Percy clenched his fists, glaring slightly at Darius's casual demeanor, "You talk as if you're some kind of sage. That white hair must be clouding your judgment."

"Percy, remember where we are," Marcus interjected with a cautioning look.


"Age doesn't equate to wisdom in all things. I assume, Marcus, your own wedding was more modest, nothing like this spectacle, right?"

 Marcus offered a tired smile, shrugging slightly, "I was about to enter a chaotic mana region for an extended detail. We wanted to marry before I departed, so it was all rather rushed."

"You see, Percy, understanding a woman's thoughts is a formidable challenge, akin to predicting the weather. But it's their emotions, not their thoughts, that often guide their decisions, so if you know that, it often becomes easier to understand them."

Percy rolled his eyes, his voice tinged with sarcasm, "Well, you're the elder here, so I'll defer to your wisdom," his gaze drifting away as he scanned the crowd for Lady Clarke.

Darius watched him for a moment, amused and thinking of new and inventive ways of training such a 'spirited' young man. He then turned to Marcus, lowering his voice, "We have an hour before the bride and groom make their appearance. Let's make the most of it and walk the entirety of the estate."

Navigating the vibrant throngs crowding the event, Marcus and Darius exchanged quick, courteous nods with the guests who approached them, their expressions painted with the practiced ease of seasoned nobles. The atmosphere thickened with whispers and subtle gestures toward Darius, the crowd's curiosity piqued by the presence of the enigmatic Sir Feng, whose exploits had woven through the city's gossip like wildfire.

As they wound through the embellished pathways, dodging elegantly dressed nobility and their elaborate compliments, the congestion grew. Darius and Marcus maneuvered through the crowd with a fluidity that belied the increasing difficulty of their progress, their acknowledgments brief yet gracious.

Suddenly, Darius's attention snagged on a distant glimmer, his gaze slicing through the sea of people. He excused himself from a lingering conversation with an elderly man, whose weak blue aura flickered unsteadily. With a polite nod, Darius stepped away, leaving the puzzled mage mid-sentence.

 His eye's settled on an elaborate hedge, sculpted into the likeness of a winged snake. While admiring the craftsmanship, his thoughts whispered, 'About another half hour and it'll be time for the show, is everything ready?'

Concealed within the foliage, Haku, his ghost-form fully active, responded with a mischievous grin, 'Everything's ready, big brother. Though, I do hope that mage stirs some trouble.'

Darius replied with a mental caution, 'Let's hope not. Crelos is a key part of our plan, but if the mage slips up, handle it with care—don't kill him.'

Haku, ever the reluctant listener, huffed, 'Wasn't plannin on it, but either way, it's gonna be exciting.'

Amused by the Haku's enthusiasm, Darius smiled, 'This reminds me a lot of my youth. Just keep focused, Haku. Everything needs to unfold without a hitch for us to succeed.'

With a final nod, Darius rejoined the flow of guests, his thoughts excitedly drifting towards the Manor house. His Arcane Gaze locked briefly on a multicolored shimmer through a distant wall—the Gaia's Heart Diamond.